Gubernatorial races in 2022 to offer plenty of battlegrounds and a Republican edge – IOTW Report

Gubernatorial races in 2022 to offer plenty of battlegrounds and a Republican edge

Washington Examiner-

With some reshuffling of political alignments in the 2020 elections settled, expect high drama in the battles for governors’ mansions in 2022.

Republicans, though, still have an edge in the contests.

In 2020, the 11 gubernatorial races resulted in only one change in party control over a state executive branch. Republicans picked up Montana’s open seat, with Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte as governor-elect, while outgoing, term-limited Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock lost a Senate bid.

That will be much different in 2022. More than half of the states in the nation, 36, will hold gubernatorial elections in two years, with 16 controlled by Democrats and 20 by Republicans. read more

15 Comments on Gubernatorial races in 2022 to offer plenty of battlegrounds and a Republican edge

  1. They’re about to run the table on us, yet we have hope for 2022?

    After letting them get away with what they did to Trump for 4 yrs, then stealing the election?

    Schumer about to be leader of the Senate?


  2. If the Dems get away with stealing the 2020 Presidential election they will go pedal to the legal for the 2022 governors’s races. They did their first try at stealing elections in the 2004 Washington governor’s race. They have been honing their skills since then. Do you really think they won the House in 2018? We need to stop it now or it will not be stopped — and don’t think they were kidding about punishing Trump supporters.

  3. Gubernatorial races in 2022?? Nothing in the political world on the planet is more important than resolving this 2020 fraud that this election represents! Free people all over the world will be affected by the outcome. This is critical! I can’t believe the United States TRAITOROUS BASTARDS out there.

  4. this fight is now or never & POTUS won bigly .. not biteme
    the carrot on the stick schtick’s over ladies
    we do this now

    -machines programmed to set Trump votes .75 value to biteme’s 1.25
    -moving thousands of votes in lump sums switched from POTUS to biteme
    -mail in ballots being scanned a bunch of times each, no refusal of any of the middle of the night delivery of fake ballots with no oversight .. all for biteme
    -no gop proper view of ballot procedures
    to name a few
    -massive dead people
    the list goes on and on and on
    there is no next time

  5. Not for Brian Kemp. He’s f—ked everytjing all to hell for Republicans in Georgia. I’ll be watching that catastrophe from a dafe distance by then. The “City Too Busy To Hate” has ruined the whole state. As Kenny Rogers said, “You got to know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em…” I’m done with this place. Time for a tactical withdrawal soon.

  6. “”

    Radcliffe needs to make their names and addresses public. Fuck these traitors


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