Guess What Happened to A Hotel After it Allowed 150 Afghan Invaders to Stay – IOTW Report

Guess What Happened to A Hotel After it Allowed 150 Afghan Invaders to Stay

Paying guests got some cultural enrichment they were not expecting.

14 Comments on Guess What Happened to A Hotel After it Allowed 150 Afghan Invaders to Stay

  1. I can guess but I don’t know.

    I often read iotwr with my mobile set on Silencio whilst my wife is sawing logs next to me.

    So that means unless there is a written blurb or transcript of What Happened, then I’m going to skip that thread and move on to the next.

  2. Haven’t read the article but let me guess;

    – It turned into a “no go zone” and other guests are not allowed there.
    – They set up a Halal meat processing center in the back parking lot.
    – Prayer rugs adorn the lobby and the call to prayer is broadcast throughout the facility.
    – No dogs are allowed on the premises.
    – The Islamic flag replaced Old Glory on the pole out front.
    – No more pork products on the breakfast buffet.
    – It’s a violent shithole.

    How am I doing so far?

  3. Back in the early 80’s, Mobil Oil Corp. wanted to train Saudis in their plants and refineries so they could run their own. Mobil bought a large church in the area that had dorms and other facilities such as a dining hall, football field, baseball diamond and tennis courts. They were used to house the Saudis during their training. Those savage bastards used one of the dorm rooms to slaughter goats and several rooms were covered with human feces for some reason. It looked like the monkey cage at the zoo. A company had to be hired to clean all that crap and when the facility was no longer needed to house the ragheads, every room and building had to be gutted and rebuilt because those camel jockeys trashed everything. Islam sucks!

  4. I had a good idea how these camel jockeys were in 1976. I was at FLEASWTACENPAC then. We had a cohort of Iranian officers training there in ASW. One of them bought a van, and went with a couple others on a trip north on I-5n. Just before Oceanside they rolled over after climbing a slope on the right. After CHP arrived the driver claimed he had put the van in “Auto pilot” and went back to get a soda out of the fridge! Cruise control to these heathens! A true story!

  5. The hotel gets well compensated for housing these rats. Not only room and board but for extensive repairs after the fact. It’s the non rat people that pay their way who suffer.


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