Guess what’s missing from the $4 billion dollar redesign of La Guardia Airport? – IOTW Report

Guess what’s missing from the $4 billion dollar redesign of La Guardia Airport?


Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that four billion dollars were going to be spent redesigning New York’s La Guardia Airport.


La Guardia Airport, whose dilapidated terminals and long, unenviable record of traveler delays have made it a target of jokes and complaints for decades, will be completely rebuilt by 2021, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York announced on Monday.

So far this year, La Guardia ranked last among the 29 largest American airports in on-time departures, with slightly more than 70 percent of its flights counted as on time, according to the federalĀ Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

The main problem is “traveler delays”. Remember that.


28 Comments on Guess what’s missing from the $4 billion dollar redesign of La Guardia Airport?

  1. Governor Douchey-Douche can’t seem to spend enough money on useless, stupid projects.

    Meanwhile, the state court unions will have been without contracts for five years as of this coming Friday.

    Any wondrr I’m a woman who “identifies” as a political assassin.

  2. Save the snails, save the fish, save the wetland! Imagine trying to build the Brooklyn Bridge or the New York City subway system with these present day assholes? They won’t approve a runway, but they will support new stores and cafe’s to decrease “travel delays.” Givemeafookenbreak!

  3. Jerry, that my friend is a mystery. I woke up one afternoon and it was there. A mixture of Charlie Rangel and Whoopie Goldberg.
    I suspect someone at IOTW bequeathed it to me. I don’t know who.I suspected BFH. But he denied it. So I gave up and I can live with it. Matter of fact I like it. I’m glad you like it too.

  4. oh, Mario’s most retarded son our governor.
    too bad he only wants to raise the minimum wage to $15.
    he should man up and make it $100.
    how can we get all the welfare brats off welfare and onto the working roles if they are only going to pay them $15.
    $100 or nothing I say!!!!!

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