Guess who woke up from her nap? – IOTW Report

Guess who woke up from her nap?

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says he thought world leaders would have grown “kind of sick” of “global warming guru” Greta Thunberg turning up and critcising them.

Ms Thunberg attended a global warming conference in Austria where she addressed world leaders and again lambasted them for their still unsatisfactory responses to climate change.

31 Comments on Guess who woke up from her nap?

  1. The global warming crowd rallied around this little pubescent scold and they expect to be taken seriously!
    Sanity and common sense have been in a long slumber.

  2. Where is she from? Some Norwegian country, way up North?
    Why should she give a f about global warming? It should be giving her more days to play outside.

  3. I really do feel bad for her. She is legitimately on the autism spectrum and is being used by the left and terrified by them. They used her as a tool from a young age.

  4. If she already has $Million in the bank, how much did it pay to read this script?
    If I had a $Million in the bank, you’d never see or hear of me again.

  5. She’s given the world 10 to 12 years before it all bursts into flames. What will become of her when, 15 or 20 years from now, the world is just continuing as it always has?

  6. Sippin’ Coffee “Doom Goblin is no longer a “kid”, definitely needs to get laid…”

    Maybe we can hook her up with Larry the Limp Wristed Liberal!

  7. @ msloosedag JULY 9, 2021 AT 9:40 AM

    She impresses me as having never been little more than a conniving, manipulative little diabolical narcissist hell bent on self aggrandizement and little more.

    Some people are hard wired that way. In her case I believe it is both hereditary and her parents thrive on and feed her pathologies because they likewise are Diabolical Narcissists. In today’s world that wickedness is celebrated and encouraged by the progressive movement, I expect to see more of it.

  8. It would be interesting to watch her lecture Sweden’s vibrant diversity on how to treat women, assimilation and being productive members of society. Then I want to see her take on Xi.

  9. Hey Greta, how’s it work?
    Splain it to me – in thermodynamic terms.

    Also splain the Medieval Warm Period, the Last Glacial Maximum, and the Penultimate Glacial Period while you’re at it – and how humanity could have averted those catastrophes.

    Yeah … that’s what I thought … you haven’t a clue.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die – along with John Kerry.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Who dares to oppose and deny this child who cries out to us…this passionate, articulate, autistic young Sage who but shows us the way?

    Greta’s role is to be the “unassailable messenger” for the Gaia-worshipping Cult of Global Warming. These people would send you and me into the gas ovens in a second if they could. Don’t doubt it.


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