Guess who’s heading to Germany next month? – IOTW Report

Guess who’s heading to Germany next month?

Patriot Retort: Is Merkel hoping for a little of that Obama Magic Touch?


The Daily Caller is reporting that former President Barack Obama will be traveling to Germany to meet with Angela Merkel.

Ostensibly Obama is heading there to participate in “Being Involved in Democracy: Taking on Responsibility Locally and Globally.”

But something tells me Barack’s idea of “Being Involved in Democracy” amounts to “Interfering with Germany’s election.”  read more

16 Comments on Guess who’s heading to Germany next month?

  1. All Obama’s help sure pushed Hillary over the top.
    Hope the same for Merkel. Both have done their best to destroy democracy in their respective countries and both are the product of East German/Marxist ideology.

  2. I’m curious as how the Germans will treat this mackdaddy. But we know the press will fawn all over him. If he criticizes President Trump
    while in Germany, he should be trounced here at home by every means possible. Heah, I know, I’m dreaming.

  3. obozo is flying to Germany to be treated for his recently acquired STDs.

    Here in the States, his namesake Healthcare Law would force him to make disclosures, including that that loser has never held a weapon, revealing his tall tale about skeet shooting was another of the big pile of lies.

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