Gulftainer Scandal Connects Obama, the Clintons and the Media – IOTW Report

Gulftainer Scandal Connects Obama, the Clintons and the Media

hillary obama 111


[…] This clear case of malfeasance comes at the expense of national security and American safety. As we reported in 2015, a United Arab Emirates subsidiary company, Gulftainer USA, was granted a lease “at the vital national security hub of Port Canaveral, Florida.” Now a recent Occasional Paper from the Center for Security Policy (CSP) shows that Gulftainer’s parent company, The Crescent Group, is connected to Iraq’s illicit nuclear program, and may have benefited from associations with the Obamas and Clintons. CSP has done an excellent job connecting these very disturbing dots.

Benefited from associations with the Obamas and Clintons.

Hamid Jafar is the founder and chairman of the Crescent group of companies, according to the Crescent Petroleum website. However, as Alan Jones and Mary Fanning write for the CSP, Hamid Jafar “is the brother and the business partner of Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar—the Baghdad-born nuclear physicist who masterminded Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program.”

In other words, the company has links to terror.

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10 Comments on Gulftainer Scandal Connects Obama, the Clintons and the Media

  1. But of course. Whoever still thinks that obama or the clintons or most of those criminals in DC give a sh*t about the American people or this country should just go ahead and be put on life support, cuz they are brain dead.

    I pray to God that these MFers are prosecuted and sent to prison, if not executed for treason.

  2. We must not bother the Obama camp with this now, because he is too busy planning on scuttling the legitimate President elect before he gets sworn into office. And Clinton is too busy as well, plotting her next run for NYC dog catcher.

  3. They WERE the Ruling Elite.

    They may be surprised to discover that losing brings consequences.

    RICO them all.

    National security requires that they be kept safely in Federal custody.
    And under suicide watch.

  4. None of them will serve a day for their treasons. Won’t see trial, or charges. We’re too compromised and corrupted for that.

    Best we can hope for is that during the next four years, Trump leads the way in doing what McCarthy tried to do by LOUDLY making sure all of this is exposed in simple, plain detail so that these traitors’ public reputations are utterly ruined for life. To them, that would be a fate worse than prison.

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