Gun Businesses to Reopen in Massachusetts & California – IOTW Report

Gun Businesses to Reopen in Massachusetts & California

WFB: Gun stores in Ventura County, California, and gun ranges in the state of Massachusetts are reopening following legal pressure from gun-rights advocates. 

Ventura County relented on its closure of gun stores and clarified to a federal judge on May 13 that retailers are included in phase one reopenings. Massachusetts announced gun ranges could also open on Monday, after a federal judge ruled against the governor’s coronavirus shutdown order. The businesses must adopt social distancing guidelines but gun-rights advocates celebrated the developments as clear victories.  read more

9 Comments on Gun Businesses to Reopen in Massachusetts & California

  1. I imagine the gun stores and dealers have been seriously hurt wherever they’ve been shut down, they usually aren’t large and wealthy businesses that can afford several months without income.

    But I imagine that the ones that weren’t shut down and able to remain open have done well, guns seem to have been selling during the shutdown. I’m thinking a lot of people may have put their $1,200 into another new or first gun purchase.

  2. First commenter is right. This is essential. Faggot bathhousees are not.

    Good citizens need the ability to protect themselves from the terrorists the governors are creating with their lockdowns. Some brand new terrorist the governors created shot up the place in Arizona last night and good people need the ability to defend themselves. Because there are likely to be a whole lot more terrorists that the gov’t has created with these lockdowns waiting in the wings.

  3. “Gun Businesses to Reopen in Massachusetts & Ventura County”

    Thanks to GOA/GOC and CalFFL, who jumped on this shit early and hard, Ventura county is the only county in California, that I’m aware of, that closed their gun stores.

  4. Gonad, people like you give people like us on the right by referring to the gay community as faggots. I have a close friend who is gay. A hard worker, a good man, a good friend. And guess what he just bought last week? HIS FIRST GUN. Tone it down in the name calling, okay? There are a lot of good folks out there who happen to be gay.

  5. ” There are a lot of good folks out there who happen to be gay.”

    And “good” means?

    IMO, anyone who opposes God and his laws, and openly stands against them while calling it the right thing to do, is not to be in the category of “good”. They are the ones that need to have the error of their way pointed out to them so they can repent it and find salvation before they find condemnation after their death.

  6. I don’t have a problem with 1% of the population being Homosexual.
    Whut they do behind closed doors is none of my business so long as they don’t make it mine. What I do have a problem with is Political Correctness dictating that it’s OK for the 1% to tell the other 99% how to live!!


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