Gun Control Activist David Hogg Elected Vice Chair of DNC – IOTW Report

Gun Control Activist David Hogg Elected Vice Chair of DNC

Breitbart: Gun control activist and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg was elected on Saturday to serve as the vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Hogg, who received 214.5 votes, was elected to serve as the vice chair of the DNC the same day that Minnesota state party chairman Ken Martin was selected to serve as the chairman of the DNC.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (D) received 298 votes to serve as the vice chairman of the DNC with Hogg. more here

35 Comments on Gun Control Activist David Hogg Elected Vice Chair of DNC

  1. Breitbart: Gun control activist and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg

    Wrong, WRONG, WRONG. Hogg wasn’t even there. He was at home and bicycled to the scene after it was all over and safe.

    He’s a despicable puny snot getting back at the high testosterone world after being swirled, atomic wedgied, and crammed into his locker so many times.

    Eat less soy, boy, and more rib-eyes.

  2. “On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”

  3. David Hogg absolutely and unequivocally epitomizes what it means to be a Democrat. An unaccomplished, manipulative, whiner. Not to mention, he is as gay as a feather duster.

  4. I could use your prayers as I have been sick today with diarrhea and throwing up. I don’t know if it was something that I ate or the flu. Today has been a day of rest for me and we’ll see what tomorrow brings. My daughter had it about a week ago, I hate being sick. And I know my oldest daughter and son in law and my 2 granddaughters in the Nashville area were similarly sick last week as well.

  5. Dear Lord, we come before You today to ask healing for dear brother Geoff, whose true name is known to You, that You may touch him in his infirmity even as he turns to You in prayer as You command we do. We praise and thank You as his Ultimate Physician for the healing You have already on the way, as he waits upon You hoping, praying, expecting Your touch at any moment.

    It is in the merciful name of Jesus we pray,

    God Bless,

  6. Geoff
    There’s a NASTY flu going around. Symptoms are pooping a puking simultaneously. The bad stuff lasts about three days. Hang in there, you’ll come out the other side.
    I’ve had a pretty severe head cold since before Christmas. Started to get better and then diagnose with SVA. Pretty funny. I’m not laughing. I can’t remember what it feels like to be healthy.

  7. “Old man single hand shot of a .357? And it didn’t fly out of his hand – I’m impressed!”

    Could be, and likely is, running .38 specials, knowing his natural limits.

    Many people don’t know Dirty Harry’s “most powerful handgun in the world” was running weakened .44 Specials during the movie. But the “magnum” instills awe and fear.

    Mind you, I don’t want to get shot by a .44 Special or .38 Special either.

  8. The liberals always think it will win as long as it gets the youth vote. In the sixties they tried to dance rock & roll & smoke weed. They went around all day saying things like “It’s so groovy, man”, and wearing bell bottoms and showing off their peace/love signs. Now liberals try to win by engaging with perverts and devil worshipping green-haired lesbians and supporting baby murder houses where the brutal death of babies occur. These are sick, disturbed people.

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