Gun Control Group having lots of problems with a certain ‘demanding mom’ – IOTW Report

Gun Control Group having lots of problems with a certain ‘demanding mom’

DC: WASHINGTON — After multiple staff departures from gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety and its spinoff Moms Demand Action, activists say a top decision-maker at both groups is making life difficult for those in the movement.

According to sources close to Everytown, Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action and advisory board member of Everytown, remains a problem within both groups. Watts, while not a staffer with either organization, is a full-time volunteer who lives in Colorado. Critics of Watts say that despite that status, she is involved with all major leadership decisions.

An all-staff email sent by Everytown president John Feinblatt on Monday announced that Debra Rosen, managing director of Everytown, and Isaac Bloom, deputy organizing director at Everytown, are leaving their positions.

The announcement came one month after Everytown announced it is willing to spend more than $25 million in the 2018 midterm elections to prevent national concealed carry from becoming law.  more here

17 Comments on Gun Control Group having lots of problems with a certain ‘demanding mom’

  1. There was a group back in the day, MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, that failed horribly when under the threat of competition from DAMM, Drunks Against Mad Mothers. No relevancy, carry on.

  2. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers is still around and has greatly affected law.

    Somehow they got the power to make convicted drunk drivers appear before a panel of them regularly so they internalized how bad driving drunk is. A former customer told me all about what he had to go through with them.

    Quite successful compared to these assholes.

    It wasn’t that long ago you could drink and drive in Texas. They were a major force in stopping that.

  3. Daughter and Mom will be in karate class this summer.
    Still trying to pin down Mom on what plinker she wants so
    I can teach them both shooting.

    Concealed carry:

    IF I’m carrying, and you have no idea that I’m carrying,
    is that concealed carry, or are you just stoopid?

    Carry until they catch you.

  4. She is a despot. A political activist whore for her sugar daddy Bloomberg. Anyone who wants to disarm a good citizen like me proves that they do not respect the Constitution and are unAmerican.

    Only my enemies want to disarm me (for their nefarious purposes to subjugate me).

    Shannon, molon labe!

  5. The only REAL question is how can we (iOTWReport, Mr. Hat, illustr8r, MJA, Dianny – not me – those with artistic abilities) capitalize on this foolishness?

    Submit an ad campaign? Not TOO stupid – just stupid enough to sell to the Natsis.

    Gotta be some way to grab some of them Natty-Socialist Millions!

    izlamo delenda est …

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