Gun control protest in Vermont – IOTW Report

Gun control protest in Vermont

DC: New Gun Control Laws Spawn Second Amendment Protest In Vermont.

Vermont’s Republican Governor Phil Scott pledged to sign three new gun-control bills next week, making it easier for the state to confiscate firearms from certain people.

The first bill would make it easier to confiscate guns from someone considered to be at risk of harming themselves or others. The second allows the police to confiscate firearms from anyone whose been arrested or cited for domestic violence. The third bill would raise the gun purchase age to 21 and expand background checks. It would also ban bump stocks and high capacity magazines, according to WVNY.

Hundreds of Second Amendment supporters gathered in South Burlington Saturday to protest the Governor’s decision and express their disappointment.

“Those bills won’t be able to protect us,” pre-school teacher Naomi Snelling told WVNY. “I know how to protect myself and other people, and I know the lines of when [sic] I need to draw that.”  more

6 Comments on Gun control protest in Vermont

  1. It’s getting more difficult to travel around the with the checkerboard of states with extremely restrictive gun laws. Just passing through while carrying a weapon in the vehicle can get you prison. New Jersey is a good example.

  2. I’d be protesting too. Deny you of a God-given right without due process? How easy is it for someone to claim domestic violence? False claims happen every day, and will increase when a vindictive spouse learns he/she can mess up someone’s life.

  3. My understanding from a VT native is that the State has been inundated by refugees from MA, CA, NY, RI and other bastions of “elite” liberal “thought” (read Feelings). And, like californicators out here, they bring with them the same proclivities that turned their former states into shitholes.

    Border fences anyone?

  4. “Why, if this travesty passes, I might just keep paying ‘my’ taxes! I’ll be so disappointed I might even vote, for whoever they tell me I can vote for, next time. I.. I… I need to straighten my bow tie, sit down, and see what happens.”

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