Gun Control Push Flounders as Views on Guns Unchanged by Las Vegas Attack – IOTW Report

Gun Control Push Flounders as Views on Guns Unchanged by Las Vegas Attack

Bretibart: The gun control push that marked the first 10 days following the October 1 Las Vegas attack has now floundered and all but disappeared, in large part because the shooting did not impact American attitudes toward guns.

KPCC put it this way: “Las Vegas shooting didn’t change anyone’s mind about…guns.” And they back this assertion up by citing an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll which shows that American’s views on guns were roughly the same October 12-16, 2017, as they were in July 2016.

This means that three different positions continue to be held by Americans: 1. More gun control needed. 2. No more gun control needed. 3. Some gun controls should be repealed.  more

13 Comments on Gun Control Push Flounders as Views on Guns Unchanged by Las Vegas Attack

  1. When the argument is that good guys shouldn’t have guns because another bad guy did something bad with a gun, well, mainly everyone has heard all the arguments already so why would anyone change his mind?

  2. Gun control talk and the Vegas shooting disappeared awful damn quick. That tells you media, politicians, etc. know something they don’t want us to know.

  3. would still like some raw data, number and calibers of empty casings in the room number of victims with more than 1 bullet to head, number of bullet duvets on ground and size of same, angles involved, magic bullets listed separately,. . .

  4. If there had been open carry at the concert, the gunman might have fired 15 rounds before 15,000+ rounds were headed in his direction. Outgoing rounds would not be possible under that volume of fire.

  5. @Extirpates:

    If there had been open carry at the concert, the gunman might have fired 15 rounds before 15,000+ rounds were headed in his direction. Outgoing rounds would not be possible under that volume of fire.

    Sorry, no. Not just no, but HELL NO. Anybody at the concert firing a handgun at the 32nd floor of a hotel hundreds of yards away would have been doing something grossly improper and dangerous, and that’s assuming they could even locate murdering bastard. The likelihood of your round hitting the right window instead of somewhere/something else that you didn’t want to destroy is pretty damned small.

    (If I missed a sarcasm indicator, I apologize)

  6. Wannabe Democratic leaders: You wanna know what kind of gun control works? Enforced voluntary relinquishment. You’ve got the lists. It worked in Australia. Primary out any NRA bootlickers that want Nazis to be able to kill you! And, the children. Of course. 2018 is almost here! Make America Safe Again (#MASA)!

  7. “Enforced voluntary relinquishment” is an oxymoron. Something is either voluntary or it is not; you cannot “enforce” voluntary.

    This is the type of nonsense that paints liberals as the liars that they are. The gun control debate after Las Vegas went nowhere because (a) the left has demonstrated that they cannot be trusted, and (b) everyone has heard all of this palaver before.

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