Gun Manufacturers: Why Pay for Advertisements When Hollywood Pushes Our Guns for Free – IOTW Report

Gun Manufacturers: Why Pay for Advertisements When Hollywood Pushes Our Guns for Free


A feature story published Friday in the The Hollywood Reporter reveals that the manufacturers of many popular guns do not worry about advertising their products because they know Hollywood will advertise for them, often for free.

This may come as a shock to many who accustomed to associated Hollywood with gun control, especially considering the anti-gun tweets of Julianne Moore, CherChris Rock, John Legend and Adam Lambert. Not to mention the anti-gun PSAs of Alec Baldwin and Michael Douglas, the gun control rants of Liam Neeson and Matt Damon, and the praise Bradley Cooper, Will Ferrell, and 98 other celebrities heaped on President Obama for his January 5, 2016, executive gun controls. And we cannot forget director Harvey Weinstein’s pledge to make an anti-gun movie that he said will make the NRA “wish they weren’t alive.”

Did I mention Kim Kardashian? She is all-in for gun control too.

Yet gun use in Hollywood productions is actually on the rise. According to THR, “the average number of [gun] models used between 2010 and 2015 was 51 percent higher than a decade earlier.” Moreover, the appearance of guns in Hollywood productions is so ubiquitous that some manufacturers–like Kahr Arms–trust their advertisement to Hollywood appearances.


8 Comments on Gun Manufacturers: Why Pay for Advertisements When Hollywood Pushes Our Guns for Free

  1. I love Hollywoodians, they’re so blind. It’s all about the money! But they’re just the monkeys that the organ grinders have on a very short leash! For a few shekels and your soul, you too can have it all. Haha, lemmings.

  2. The left are pretty damn stupid aren’t they. Their arrogance trumps their intelligence.

    And speaking of Trump, CNN and the rest of the MSM’s obsession with him gave him more than enough campaign advertising. He didn’t need the RNC or other big donors.

    The left are mo-rons, plain and simple.

  3. In my opinion, all Hollywood has done is deprive the world of some fine food service, sex industry and valet-parking personnel, by convincing them that we really give a sh!t who they are, what they think and the fact they can play make-believe.

  4. The left is composed of more-ons. They want more taxation, more regulation, more laws, more uncontrolled spending, and more guidance from their hero: Jerry “lowest information” Brown.

  5. It’s too bad the movies don’t do a better job of illustrating basic safe firearm handling. That would actually be helpful. But NooOOOooo. And even in their execrable anti-self-defense PSAs and youtube stuff, they never display any muzzle or trigger discipline. I suppose we already knew very well they are an undisciplined bunch.

    Does it make me an evil person that I wish in one of those PSAs somebody would waste a cow-orker or two with a negligent discharge?

  6. Hollywood is like the demented relative you used to lock in the basement. Recalling the past, and dead things with perfect clarity, but with no awareness of the present and no thought for the future.

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