Gun Safe Manufacturer ‘Liberty Safe’ Complies With FBI Request For Access Code to Safe Owned by J6 Attendee – IOTW Report

Gun Safe Manufacturer ‘Liberty Safe’ Complies With FBI Request For Access Code to Safe Owned by J6 Attendee

Why does Liberty Safe have anyone’s access code?

100%FedUp: Liberty Safe, one of America’s top-rated gun safe manufacturers, faces extreme backlash for providing the FBI an access code to a safe owned by an individual who attended January 6th.

Nathan Hughes, the man arrested at gun point, was raided by federal agents last week.

Hughes is a friend of the Hodge twins, who first broke the news about Liberty Safe complying with the FBI’s request for the access code to get into his safe.

“Last week, a friend of ours was raided by the feds over J6, his name is Nathan Hughes and he’s from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Nate was raided by the FBI and arrested at gun point. His girlfriend (who just had a miscarriage) was held at gun point and put in handcuffs. The FBI turned off his security cameras, unplugged his internet, and flipped his house upside down in a search. The feds called the manufacturer of his Liberty Gun Safe and got the passcode to get into it too. All for protesting at the Capitol over 2 1/2 years ago,” the Hodge twins wrote.

“He is being charged with crimes related to January 6th. He didn’t assault anyone and he didn’t vandalize anything. He is being labeled a domestic terrorist and a traitor to his country by woke leftists and the media,” they added. more here

35 Comments on Gun Safe Manufacturer ‘Liberty Safe’ Complies With FBI Request For Access Code to Safe Owned by J6 Attendee

  1. According to local locksmith….
    All digital safes have an emergency factory code….
    but he or you can change it….
    so you’ll have two (2) personal codes or….

    ~$300 + labor….he’ll install a mechanical dial lock.

  2. Yeah I’d be changing that ASAP Pronto!
    A Safe is not a Safe if the codes are that readily available.
    He didn’t assault anyone and he didn’t vandalize anything.
    That’s reserved for the Fibbers…

  3. Popular gun safe manufacturer Liberty Safe has been struggling to respond to conservative backlash after it gave the FBI access to a customer’s safe as part of a probe into the customer’s participation in the Capitol riot. Late Wednesday, the company announced that customers will have the option to erase data of their safe combinations and “take control of how their information is stored and protected.” Earlier in the day, Liberty Safe had explained that the FBI had produced a search warrant to the safe owned by Nathan Hughes, a 34-year-old Arkansas man charged with felony civil disorder in connection to the Jan. 6 riot. Charlie Kirk, founder and CEO of Turning Point USA, a nonprofit that promotes conservative politics in schools and universities, denounced the company as “an enemy to gun owners” and said it should have pushed back against the warrant. Others chimed in with vows to boycott, coming on the heels of MAGA-driven boycotts of companies like Bud Light and Target that have embraced the LGBTQ+ community in advertising campaigns.

  4. “FBI could have had locksmith open with code.”

    Maybe so, but at least Liberty Safe would not be complicit in allowing the government to intrude into this guy’s life, where is their loyalty?

    Search warrants are not open-ended, they don’t say ,”Go in there, ransack the place, and see what you can find”. The item(s) the authorities are looking for must be documented on the warrant. This was a “gun” safe, if the items looked for were anything other than a gun then to me, the search was illegal.

    And this assumes the FBI even had a warrant, those clowns could not butt-fuck a monkey without instructions.

    Liberty Safe might as well have had Dylna Mulvany hawking their gear. Their name is now persona non grata with the gun community.

  5. Straight up GESTAPO tactics.
    Pick a target then pick a crime. Strike. Make damned sure no kind of media can see you in action – which is why they cut off the security cameras and internet connection – you don’t hide that of which you’re proud – only that which is shameful or criminal.

    The FBI tacitly admitted to criminal behavior.

    We’re not losing our country – it’s lost.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Liberty is claiming the warrant gave them no alternative. No t so, it would require a subpoena and that is what Apple made them go to court to attempt to get then fought it tooth and nail.

  7. ^^^^ In the end, Liberty Safe might have been compelled, based on a court order, to comply, OK, so be it, but at least put up a fight initially and show the folks that you are on their side, not the side of this totalitarian regime that we have now under Biden.

  8. @rich….

    You are correct with a search warrant….
    for a 50 cal Barrett….the fbi can’t compel you….
    to open a bedside pistol safe or 2’x2’ personal safe….
    but looking for a pistol….they can legally force you….
    to open a rifle safe….it’s a size thing.

  9. I kind of have mixed emotions about this. Liberty Safes probably has less than 100 employees. It’s not like they have an attorney on speed dial. I’m confident some FBI asshole intimidated the shit out of whom ever he had on the phone. I’ve personally been through something similar once. They start flashing badges at you it can get a little nerve racking to say the least.
    But then on the other hand they just stomped all over the safe owners rights.

  10. As Sundance at conservativetreehouse said, all Liberty had to say was “we don’t own that safe” and refuse to comply.
    But as aircubed said here earlier: if the feds are in your house it’s already too late.

  11. This much I do know for sure and for certain, if the FBI decided to spend time investigating producers of child pornography instead of this kind of abject horseshit and had a warrant to look in the safe for video evidence of such… there is absolutely no way Liberty would have cooperated with out a subpoena. That much I can guarandamntee you.

  12. Not another capitalist that will take your $$$, then help .gov fuck you over?
    I don’t see where a search warrant for the contents in a safe in a private home in any way carries over to the seller of the safe.
    More political bullshit.

  13. Try American Security Safes. Superior to Liberty ones. I had the combo changed out on my combo dial. Took my safe installer, who was an expert on changing the manual combos to a new code said that these are next to impossible to crack and it took him half day to change the combo to a custom code. Screw Liberty BS.

  14. If you keep most of your “toys” and other things off site as in NOT AT YOUR RESIDENSE you might not have to worry about problems such as this. Unless of course threats to your family or anyone who might know location give it up.

    Just saying…

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