Gun sales surge fueled by first-timers, mostly for ‘concealed’ pistols – IOTW Report

Gun sales surge fueled by first-timers, mostly for ‘concealed’ pistols


Gun sales are surging after the weekend mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, fueled by first-time buyers seeking pistols they can carry with them for protection.

The latest jump validated a big increase in purchases and background checks recorded by the FBI that show the four most recent months higher than the same months in 2018.

What’s more, the trend in the “National Instant Criminal Background Check System,” or NICS, is on a path to make 2018 the second biggest year since 2016, when gun owners and prospective gun owners filled stores before the presidential election that was expected to elect gun control advocate Hillary Rodham Clinton. more

12 Comments on Gun sales surge fueled by first-timers, mostly for ‘concealed’ pistols

  1. Stupid dangerous Yanks! You don’t NEED guns. Why, just look at our Euro utopia! We’re disarmed and doing just fine.

  2. I just hope there is a corresponding up tick in range usage and training class attendance. Having a gun doesn’t make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician. You gotta’ practice.

  3. Virtually everything the government does has the opposite effect as intended.
    The attacks on Trump: His popularity grows
    Gun legislation: purchases rise dramatically.
    Tax increases: growth in underground economy.
    Hate crime legislation: Increase in racially based attacks by the so called victims.
    They never learn.

  4. I work at an outdoor outfitter and the store closes at 9 pm. The other night they had so many firearm sales the gun counter people didn’t get to close down until almost 10 pm.

  5. Obama was the best gun salesman of all time for awhile. Now that the next election is getting closer and all these dems are falling over themselves to promise you won’t be able to own a gun or buy ammunition, the next target, expect gun sales to start going up again. It isn’t just shootings, two violent knife murders in CA and PA in 24 hours that basically vanished from the news. People know they need to arm themselves.

  6. Lowell AUGUST 9, 2019 AT 6:29 AM


    Story time…

    There was a trade magazine when I held my FFL that had a monthly column, “the stupidest questions from a customer.”

    The one I’ll always remember (Real???) was “if I look down the barrel when I pull the trigger, will I see the bullet coming out…” Forget the snappy reply, but yes, my experience says there are people that stupid out there.

  7. Remember that these numbers come from sales by licensed dealers¹.
    I have a feeling that private sales – with no paper trail –
    are through the roof.

    1. And reflect numbers of background checks. If you purchase multiple guns, there’s only one background check for all of them.


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