Guns & Ammo. Good Luck Finding Them in the Pacific Northwest – IOTW Report

Guns & Ammo. Good Luck Finding Them in the Pacific Northwest

DefConNews: In the last article I wrote I mentioned that my wife thought we didn’t have enough ammunition. So I called a few local stores to see what I could find. Here was the typical conversation.

“Do you have any .45 ACP?”





“Umm, no. I have some .223 hollow points for $40 a box.”

“So when might you have some more ammo back in stock?”

“Probably today, but I’m not sure.”

Yet, this article proclaims there is not so much of a run on ammo here as many other states. Fake news.

23 Comments on Guns & Ammo. Good Luck Finding Them in the Pacific Northwest

  1. The run on guns and ammo in the Soviet State is about like that on toilet paper. Local TV news was running stories on it all last week while Progressive heads were exploding like popcorn.

  2. …no worries, you’re going to see PILES of them on the evening news after the Democrats start seizing them, for your safety, just before they crush them or drop them into an incinerator…

    …much like they’ll do to anyone who resists, perhaps metaphorically, perhaps literally…

    …the devil is not creative, that why, absent Jesus, history ALWAYS repeats, and you’re not going to like the next chapter…*xBfWiFX60l6FJgAIdr3LUA.jpeg

  3. Guns & Ammo. Good Luck Finding Them in the Pacific Northwest

    I checked and as of this morning they had still not figured out how to unlock the safes, bypass the alarm systems, escape and go on a rampage all on their own.

    My issue is that our 60 acre outdoor gun club is voluntarily shut down for another ten days. The members have always impressed me as particularly predisposed to “social distancing,” even under the best of times, so I think this was an overreaction.

  4. So how much ammo does the average person need? How many battles will he fight (probably against a superior enemy) before he is dead and no longer needs them?

    Battles that require having huge amounts of ammunition on hand are battles you will lose.

    Don’t plan on fighting battles you can only lose. You’ll live longer that way and may even score a win on the ones you can win.

  5. “So how much ammo does the average person need? How many battles will he fight (probably against a superior enemy) before he is dead and no longer needs them?

    Battles that require having huge amounts of ammunition on hand are battles you will lose.

    Don’t plan on fighting battles you can only lose. You’ll live longer that way and may even score a win on the ones you can win.”

    ^^^ This is the sound the internet makes when it doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

  6. I don’t understand why people in the US wait for the last minute regarding ammo or buying a gun.

    4 Boxes = 100 rnds. pistol – 7 to 8 mags 9mm
    4 boxes = 100 shells Shotgun – hunting
    1 brick of .22 = 500 high velocity rifle or pistol -plinking
    4 boxes 0f = a reasonable rifle round hunting/other

    You should have your SHTF supply which should not be parts of your regular supply.

    In times like these, you are not going to the range to have fun or plink. This is what you are/were preparing for. Suddenly looking for ammo suggests that you are out of practice and generally a huge liability waiting to happen.

    Self defense is not an all out firefight or siege warfare.

    Watch Youtube – most real gun fights are very fast and usually last until 1 magazine is emptied.

    If you have a gun in the house, you should have enough ammo, otherwise it is a paperweight.

  7. ” This is the sound the internet makes when it doesn’t know what it’s talking about”

    So go ahead and prove you do.

    FWIW, I’m a combat veteran from Vietnam. A place where I learned a great deal about how to live through both low and high intensity battles.

    You might state your credentials, just so people thinking your way might have some better insight into your views about things.

  8. ” Better to have a few rounds left behind after “they” kill you than to be killed because you ran out…”


    You’re dead either way so it won’t make a difference to you.

    You’re planning to die by fighting fights you can’t win?

  9. On 3/8 when everyone went for toilet paper we went and bought another gun and ammo. Background check processed immediately. Saw today it they can’t handle the background check volume and stores are losing sales.

  10. Newcomers to the gun world in California were shocked to learn that even if they could find a gun, they had to go thru a waiting period before they could pick up their gun, and limits on ammunition, and full background check to buy ammunition (for which they will be charged a fee). If this manufactured crisis does nothing else, hopefully it will show the otherwise disinterested voter how the state has screwed them over re: the second amendment.

  11. I don’t buy new guns from dealers. I live in a free state and there is always someone hard up needing money. When they finally getting around to looking for a weapon from me it is already sold to tortilla bender who needed to kill a hog or lost in the lake.

  12. From Anon (one of ’em anyway): “So go ahead and prove you do.

    I have nothing to prove. I’m just another poster on the internet with an opinion. You know the SOP on opinions, right?

    I was trained by Viet Nam vets (First Cav) and some of them were the finest examples of fighting men I’ve had the pleasure to know and call my friends. Some of them couldn’t pour piss out of a LPC.

  13. “From Anon (one of ’em anyway): “So go ahead and prove you do.”

    I’ll take a bite of that. Being proficient with a firearm is an acquired skill. It’s also a perishable one. Which mean ou need to put a ton of shit down range to be better than the guy/guys you will eventually be fighting with. Which also means at least 70% of the ammo you purchase you use. And remember, perfect practice yields perfect results. Dumb statement pal.

    I just checked RSR Group, Lipseys, and a couple other distributors. They are well stocked with ammo. In fact I couldn’t resist buying 1000 rounds of Blazer 45 230 grain for $270.00

  14. Have seen and read a few boys that get some insider stuff from contacts inside the deep state – most everybody is expecting the u.n. to send in chinese and or russian troops that have been “joint training” with our boys for many, many years now. The blue helmets will have no problem disregarding our 2A – just doing what they’re told …

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