Gupta: Hillary’s report ‘Not A Release of Medical Records By Any Means’ – IOTW Report

Gupta: Hillary’s report ‘Not A Release of Medical Records By Any Means’


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12 Comments on Gupta: Hillary’s report ‘Not A Release of Medical Records By Any Means’

  1. I first knew sum ting wong when I heard earlier in the week that the doctor was “preparing” the medical records for release.

    What’s to prepare? The medical records should ALREADY EXIST. And, people, I know a thing or two about medical records from having worked five years in a courtroom, where such things were frequently entered into evidence. “Complete medical records” weigh pounds, go back months or years, and include ALL the doctor’s dated notes, not something that was “prepared” in less than a week. Also, most of the record is mind-numbingly boring to laymen: ALL test results FROM THE LABORATORIES THAT PERFORMED THEM, ALL the x-rays, etc.

    I think this hack should be investigated by the A.M.A.

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