Gutfeld: Biden is AWOL on inflation – IOTW Report

Gutfeld: Biden is AWOL on inflation

Gutfeld panelists weigh in on rising food and gas prices, a popcorn shortage and the president’s lack of foresight on baby formula as facilities shut down.

13 Comments on Gutfeld: Biden is AWOL on inflation

  1. Jackass Joe is permanently AWOL on solutions, while at the same time at the center of every disaster!
    A Chronic, life-long F*ck-Up looking for a place to happen!

  2. Dementia Joe was selected by his Managers and Handlers because he was dependably Absent Without A Clue. He’s Clueless Joe. Joey Obiden Bama was Installed to promote the Dissolution of the Union, and it’s working as planned. They will be accelerating the pace now, since the Midterm Elections are getting closer. Has there ever been a Fundamental Transformation like the last 500 days since this empty brain pan was foisted upon us with a rigged election.

  3. Joe Biden has eagery and happily agreed pre-election to be the “spokesperson-trojan horse idiot” for those who are developing a post-human world. Biden has a history of not being very smart in most matters and takes his orders from those who have planned this hostile takeover of America for decades. It make him just as guilty, if not more so, of treason as the rest of the sewer dwellers. Biden only knows one word: ‘DESTROY!’. Stupid voters and libs of 81 million liars dumbly think that he’ll ‘save’ them. They too are/will be nothing more than expendable tools of a very evil regime wearing paper crowns and squatting their fat-cat greedy butts on makeshift thrones.

  4. AWOL my ass.
    Malice aforethought.
    Planned and executed.
    We’ve seen it before, even though we’re too mal-educated to remember.

    INLFATION is government policy!
    NOT something that just falls out of the sky.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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