Guy in lipstick barred from ladies room and CNN is on the case – IOTW Report

Guy in lipstick barred from ladies room and CNN is on the case

Patriot Retort: Did you ever see that ridiculous episode of “The Closer” where Beau Bridges plays a transsexual former police detective?

He looked pretty much like Beau Bridges in lipstick.

Now, I realize that Beau was just playing a transsexual. So the chances of him plucking his eyebrows or, you know, trying to look like a woman just to shoot a 1-hour TV show was slim.

But I can’t watch that episode.

There isn’t enough suspension of disbelief in the world to get me to buy him as a woman.

Well, apparently Beau Bridges put his lipstick back on and tried to use a ladies room in a DC restaurant.

Wait. That’s not Beau Bridges?

Actually no. It’s a guy named Charles Clymer who fancies himself Charlotte.

But, like Beau, he’s pretty much a guy in lipstick.

Any old how.

He’s making a big old stink over not being able to use the little girls’ room at Cuba Libre Restaurant.

And naturally, the Mayor of DC – who so far has been shockingly silent after DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was driven from a DC restaurant by an angry mob – tweeted this:

12 Comments on Guy in lipstick barred from ladies room and CNN is on the case

  1. We bad mouth the Mooch a lot…But I’ll say this about “Big Mike”

    He never used the Women’s Room in the WH….

    Come to think of it….He never used the Men’s room either

    He used to just shit on the floor…Never mind.

  2. It’s all perfectly logical. A well behaved woman can be refused service in a restaurant and that’s OK. Because she’s a conservative.

    A man trying to use the ladies room is well within his rights to do so because he’s a progtard and the restaurant owner is the villain.

    If the democrats didn’t like 2016 they are really in for a treat in 2018.

    The American people have seen about enough.

  3. Doesn’t DC have laws on the books about peeping toms, disturbing the piece or impersonating a democrat? This should be looked into.

    BTW– Ain’t enough martini’s in the world for that at closing time!!

  4. Plantsman- I don’t believe it is the ‘circuitry’- It is the thought process, and that has been reinforced and ingrained since infancy. Less than 2 or 3 years ago, ‘transgenderism’ or sexual dysphoria was formally classified as a mental illness. Now acceptance of it is mandatory. Well, my circuitry is just dandy, and I still consider it a mental disorder. Why does modern medicine condone these aberrations? They don’t agree with an anorexic that they are overweight.

  5. Try to enter the ladies’ room with my wife or daughter in there and I will perform an emergency sexual reassignment surgery with my EDC knife.

    I am not a surgeon so it could be painful and messy. Damn pervert!!!

  6. Here is the solution: Weird-only segregated restrooms for certified crazy-ass nuts that seem to be everywhere. A man who thinks he is a woman is as bad as an idiot in a straight-jacket who thinks he’s Napoleon.

    Men, Women, Weird. problem solved.

  7. Back when this bathroom shit became a deal, I saw one in the womens’ bathroom and told him when he walked out of the stall and had left the door open and I saw the seat up, that if he was going to pretend to be a woman he needed to squat to pee. Another lady, an elderly woman threatened to beat him with her purse and chased him out. lol

    But then I guess I’m a bigot or whatever the term is for me. I don’t want to share the bathroom with ugly men dressed as women. I’m even worse than a bigot I guess, awhile back a new little hot dog joint opened up and I was going to eat there, but I kept looking at the guy working in there and then he came over and introduced himself as co-owner. My gaydar was burning up, so I looked him up on FB real quick and sure enough he was queer and shared his page with his “husband.” I had to get up and walk out because hot dogs and queers put horrible images in my head and there just wasn’t any way I could eat a chili dog.
    Either their chili dogs were no good or others thought the same thing because the business lasted less than six months.


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