Guy Takes Dive Into Cellar Door in Harlem – IOTW Report

Guy Takes Dive Into Cellar Door in Harlem

2 things –

This looks like a deliberate nose dive.

Who is moving the surveillance video so that we never get a view of the man’s face? Does it show him looking directly at the open doors? The footage has been edited by someone.

11 Comments on Guy Takes Dive Into Cellar Door in Harlem

  1. Idiots. No personal responsibility required. It’s always the fault of somebody else. It’s the shop owner’s fault that this guy was high as a kite or drunk on his ass.

  2. As has been said above, definitely not in the right state of mind, be it substances or mental illness, something was “off” with his gait. The downtown East Side of Vancouver is known worldwide as an open air drug market and the dumping ground for the mentally ill, this is exactly what you see when you travel there.

  3. “Who is moving the surveillance video”

    No one. The time/date stamp stays still in relation to the rest of the video.

    If you look at the time/date stamp you can tell a video screen is being recorded by a hand held recorder. Like taking video of your TV screen.

    You will never see a date stamp float around the video like that.

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