GW Bush endorses Maine Sen. Susan Collins – IOTW Report

GW Bush endorses Maine Sen. Susan Collins

Just The News – ‘She brings dignity into a world that has gotten really ugly,’ former president says’

Former President George W. Bush on Friday endorsed Maine Sen. Susan Collins, calling her “honest” and “forthright” as well as “pretty darned independent,” a nod to the senator’s well-known bipartisan streak in the Senate. 

Bush, who has kept a low political profile since leaving the White House in 2009, said on Friday that Collins “brings dignity into a world that has gotten really ugly. The political world is uglier than I can ever remember it.”

Collins, meanwhile, expressed “great admiration for President Bush and Laura Bush.” more

30 Comments on GW Bush endorses Maine Sen. Susan Collins

  1. And to think that I defended the guy well past the point I should have abandoned him is embarrassing.

    Swamp rat. Collins is a swamp rat too.

    Wake up, Maine. You can do better. I nominate Beachmom.

  2. @stirrin

    Are we sure GWB wasn’t confusing Collins with Mary Tyler Moore?

    🎶Who can turn the world on with her smile?
    🎶Who can take a nothing State and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?

    Oh it’s you girl and you know it….

    ^^^^ admittedly an overreach. 😂

  3. Remember after Trumps inaugural address someone stuck a mic in GWs face and asked him what he though, and he replied, “That was some crazy shit man”. He didn’t get it then, he doesn’t get it now. We the people are taking it back GW. So get your hand off my wallet.

  4. PHenry – could be MTM, could be Sugar Magnolia.

    “She’s got everything delightful
    She’s got everything I need
    A breeze in the pines in the summer night moonlight
    Crazy in the sunlight, yes indeed”

  5. Keep it in yo pants, Georgie boy. I thought you were great at first. Later, not so much. Or, even at all. You should have mouthed off over Barky, not your Partymates.

  6. Bush? Bush? Oh, yeah, the Bush “dynasty”.

    Prescott Bush — Cozy with Hitler and the Nazis. Treasurer for Planned Parenthood.

    George H. W. Bush — Headed up the RNC and Nixon sycophant (NTTAWWT) before becoming head of the CIA and setting the stage for that organization’s subsequent misdeeds. Blew a second term as President because he wimped out on putting a lid on taxes, not to mention the 1st Iraq dick-wagging war.

    George W. Bush — While his dad and granddad were fairly intelligent (but had bad judgment and poor character), W was and is pretty dumb. Took U.S. forces into Afghanistan (I’ll cut him modest slack on starting that fiasco but none for continuing it) and more dick-wagging in Iraq, which war he lied to us to crank up. Helped create that metastasizing govt cancer called the USA PATRIOT Act whose very name is an insulting slap in the face of any actual USA PATRIOT.

    JEB! Bush — Scraped off the bottom of the family’s stagnant gene pool and so incredibly stupid he thought he would be President. I’ll grant you that there were a LOT of incredibly stupid people who thought so, too.

    Yeah, man. I’ve been a die-hard anti-fan of ALL the Bushes, it’s just that today the focus is on W.


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