H😬ld Her Beer – IOTW Report

H😬ld Her Beer

Nikki Haley roasted for selling merch following Don Lemon’s ‘past her prime’ comments.

PM: Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has attempted to capitalize off CNN host Don Lemon‘s recent suggestion that she “isn’t in her prime,” launching a line of merchandise playing off his comments.

For a small donation, supporters of Haley’s campaign can get their hands on beer koozies that say “Past my prime?” and “Hold my beer.”

“For all of you who took issue with the haters saying that we are past our prime,” Haley wrote on Twitter, “this one’s for you. We’ve got this.”

Haley revealed that the limited edition koozie, which can be purchased via a campaign donation website winred.com, will be available to anyone who chips in $7 or more.

On Twitter, many called out Haley for the stunt, calling it “cringe” and the presidential candidate a “boomer.” MORE

16 Comments on H😬ld Her Beer

  1. Lean into it, girl.

    “Yes, I don’t make the stupid, hormonal mistakes of youth, because I’ve gained wisdom with age and don’t feel like I need to twerk to prove anything to anyone.”

    Something like that.

    …there’s a REASON I don’t write speeches, but I’m sure a smoother liar can do better with the concept…

    …Oh, BTW, I could care less about her ‘campaign’. She’s just a GOP-E plant there as a spoiler to help Democrats, nothing more.

    As such, she doesn’t really NEED to do better. Just being an (R) woman of color on the ballot will do all the damage they need all by itself…

  2. That koozie makes no sense.
    That saying, “hold my beer” isn’t being used correctly in this case.
    It would have made more sense to say, “Past my prime? Joe Biden says, Hold my beer”

  3. DeSantis might have a chance against Trump, but nobody else does. I don’t know why these idiots are bothering to run. My guess is that they may be able to convert campaign donations to personal money somehow.

  4. Whenever you see a book ‘written’ by a candidate, you’re looking at a means to get money into personal accounts. To buy influence, the person buys boxes of books. Then, to be a perfect sleazebag, the person donates the books to the library, takes the write off and the fricking library has to dispose of the unwanted books. Hunter’s ‘art’ is a related grift that only includes the person wanting to buy influence, the crackhead and Joe’s ten percent. The ‘art’ you can just flip around and have a blank canvas. It’s more environmentally friendly than dumping several hundred pounds of paper and cardboard into the landfill.

  5. Oh, the Regressive LibTard DildoCrats are upset that Nikki Haley is “past her prime”?
    And they supported Hellary Clintoon and FJB……..why?

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