Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American – IOTW Report

Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American


About four months after a notorious hacking group claimed to have stolen an extraordinary amount of sensitive personal information from a major data broker, a member of the group has reportedly released most of it for free on an online marketplace for stolen personal data.

The breach, which includes Social Security numbers and other sensitive data, could power a raft of identity theft, fraud and other crimes, said Teresa Murray, consumer watchdog director for the U.S. Public Information Research Group.

“If this in fact is pretty much the whole dossier on all of us, it certainly is much more concerning” than prior breaches, Murray said in an interview. “And if people weren’t taking precautions in the past, which they should have been doing, this should be a five-alarm wake-up call for them.”

According to a class-action lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the hacking group USDoD claimed in April to have stolen personal records of 2.9 billion people from National Public Data, which offers personal information to employers, private investigators, staffing agencies and others doing background checks. The group offered in a forum for hackers to sell the data, which included records from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, for $3.5 million, a cybersecurity expert said in a post on X. MORE

28 Comments on Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American

  1. Never mind what they know about us.
    How many times are they going to sell our numbers?
    How many illegals will try to collect my social security or buy homes, etc in my name?
    How many will get jobs using our numbers only to have the IRS come after us for not claiming income?
    Just about anything about us can be found online already.
    This is a bigger can of worms and par for the course with the clown show that is the regime.

  2. Hunh. My wife and I have each received a “Nigerian Prince” letter in the past month. Never gotten anything like that before. Probably unrelated to this government screwup. No bueno.

    Say, didn’t the government create themselves an agency to deal with this shit? Why, yes…Yes, they did indeed:

    The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

    “The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responsible for cybersecurity and infrastructure protection ACROSS ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT.”

    I guess they got caught up in getting Trump, to the exclusion of all else. Thanks, Mayorkas, you malevolent, incompetent, traitorous f—k. DIAF

  3. Thanks for not spooken them. 🙂

    Wait’ll you see todays.
    Holy S, Bats.
    MUST SEE @ 1106 AM ON Wards
    Also, Earlier.

    Increds. Monkeypox. Cryptogrifts. merch.

    Sad Notes: Looks like there is a patsy getting rolled, and it sounds like an old vet.

    Pushingcart Biz

  4. Make up a story of how every American’s social security number and other information has been stolen. Qualify it by claiming that it (MAY) have been stolen and offer no proof. Then offer services to protect you for said threat often disguised as free.

  5. Bad_Brad

    Two different mailed letters, same basic scam, but my wife is Chinese, so hers had a Chinese backstory as the hook.

    And now that I think about it, we also had some attempts at unauthorized credit card purchases last month. Had to cancel a couple of cards. My wife watches this stuff like a hawk, though…reads up some of the more devious scams out there. If something ever gets by her, the whole country is screwed.

  6. Thirdtwin

    If you’ve had unauthorized credit card purchase attempts someones got you 411. I think I’d check into a service like Lifelock or something similar. One of those services might be dirt cheap in the long run.
    We use 4 different work cards, same account. A couple years ago someone tried unauthorized purchases on all four cards. Two of those cards we’re never previously used by us. The amount of info these clowns can get is actually impressive.

  7. I had an illegal alien use my SS number for three years in South Carolina around 2001. That caused a visit by the IRS. I identified the problem to the IRS and then notified SSI who said they recognized the unauthorized use of my SSnumber from the beginning. but never notified me…..The ass holes selling SS numbers WORK for SS!…

    It was a 6 billion windfall for the SSI back in 2001. Imagine what it is now?….

  8. So why was my social security number used as my military ID number when I was in the Navy 50 years ago. That never made any sense to me since it was displayed prominently on my dog tags. I assume that the military hasn’t done this for a long time now.

  9. Somewhere my identity was stolen and I had to go to a social security office to prove my identity since I did not have a car loan, home mortgage or a cell phone at the time. Additionally, someone in Chicago [in one of ‘those’ neighborhoods] tried to cash in on unemployment using my name. After almost 18 months of frustration I was able to get the 3 big credit bureaus to freeze my credit. If your security information is wrong and they won’t correct it and you are absolutely fucked. I say to shit can the credit bureaus and let your local bank decide if you are credit worthy. Really, your social security number is just a base layer target to allow these Demoncrats to rob you blind without holding a gun to your head. Thankfully, I am now getting letters in the mail stating to unfreeze my credit reports in order to get a Victoria’s Secret credit card listed 5 states away from my home.

  10. The grifturds discuss the plan starting at 12:06 PM.

    Funding provided by some disabled dupe.
    Uncle turd said he was waiting on the dupes bankrun.
    The tatted up 30 something nasty asF sidekicker with the Android Antenna bobbing around and up and down, profits willing. Ladies of Liberties.

    LoL and Uncle Scammers Show.
    Peddling through tourists traps.

    That’s the Plan. YCNMTSUP.

    Did you see?

  11. “So why was my social security number used as my military ID number”

    It was my DL number for about 20 years, up until the 90s, when immigration fraud metastasized. And it was my Student ID number in college. That’s where it got burned into my memory. It’s probably still floating around on campus, ripe for the picking after 40+ years.

  12. Brad – that was the first thing I thought of: your replacement is being readied. Somewhere right now, there is a Juan Pedro Washington and a Sirhan Akmed Smith receiving their packet of papers.

    Also, what a great way to facilitate the Mark of the Beast.

    “In the aftermath of the biggest identity theft in history, and to assure and maintain our economic security as a Nation, you will be issued an identifying mark that is specific to you, that no one can steal. This will be necessary for all financial transactions in the future. Please report to your assigned processing center. “

    It’s coming.

  13. Ted Nougat

    Every day I’m more convinced certain parts of this country are going to become a war zone. I just don’t see anyway around it. Look what these bastards just did to Tulsi Gabbard.

  14. China has ALL my information to include my fingerprints from the little OPM/clearance hack during the Ogabe regime. Remember that? I guess they can just get in line behind China.

  15. To apply for a Real ID in CA one is required to upload a copy of certified birth certificate and other documents verifying residence.
    Also required are SSN and DL numbers.
    These are submitted to a purportedly secure server.
    (I have my doubts..)


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