Hackers steal ‘sex tape’ from Virgin Islands Congressional delegate Stacey Plaskett – IOTW Report

Hackers steal ‘sex tape’ from Virgin Islands Congressional delegate Stacey Plaskett

A sex tape and nude photos of the Virgin Islands’ delegate to Congress and her husband were posted online briefly by hackers before they were removed. 

23 Comments on Hackers steal ‘sex tape’ from Virgin Islands Congressional delegate Stacey Plaskett

  1. Should you choose to indulge in these types of activities, make sure they are stored offline. If you’re not smart enough to do that, then one’s fitness to serve in a federal legislative position should be closely scrutinized. If you’re that careless with your personal life, what other doors have you left open?

  2. I guess we know who’s on top in that relationship and who has the bigger weinner. She nasty. Pity the fool married to her.

    Having sex and her in the same sentence is, well, something I don’t want to think about.

  3. What are the odds? Hackers suck. But hacking someones little minuscule office network isn’t as easy as it seems. Something doesn’t smell right here. Unless she was targeted by the US Government.

  4. I had very little tonight. You 2 Let me know after how many that thing Starts to Look Good Enough to Record.

    I’ll suggest there Ain’t Enough Barrels In KENTUCKY!

    Cheers, Brad, Irish & everyone else.

  5. Brad AT 11:23 PM

    The nice thing about his Friday stuff is he includes the mature ladies so you don’t feel like a pedophile going through it. In praise of the older woman…

    They don’t yell
    They don’t tell
    They don’t swell
    And they’re grateful as hell


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