Hacking of Hollywood Stars Pics Reveals Left’s Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

Hacking of Hollywood Stars Pics Reveals Left’s Hypocrisy

I remarked the other day that when the left pig-piled Ricky Gervais for saying, “if you don’t want your nude pics on the internet, don’t keep them on the cloud,” that this revealed a hypocrisy.

Gervais’ comment was “akin to supporting the hacker and blaming the victim,” they wailed. “A person has a reasonable expectation that their property shouldn’t be stolen, and any lecturing about the event is similar to blaming a rape victim.”

Yet, they do precisely that when they want to criminalize the theft of a gun owner’s gun. All reasonable expectation that this shouldn’t happen is thrown right out the window, and the victim of “the rape” is blamed. I fully realize that the left would sneer and say that the stakes are much higher when you own a “killing machine,” so their hypocrisy is justified.


But Ben Shapiro has made a similar point and has expanded it to include the expectation of privacy in general, and how that right is gleefully stripped from you if you are of a certain political stripe.




13 Comments on Hacking of Hollywood Stars Pics Reveals Left’s Hypocrisy

  1. If you save something private on any type of hardware that is attached to the internet, you should automatically know that your right to privacy is limited to the privacy practices (or lack of practices)of the people you’re entrusting those private files to.

    Just as you don’t legally have any expectation of privacy anytime you walk down the street (you are walking openly in public after all), anytime you put yourself into the Ethernet realm, you’re essentially taking a stroll down their street and it’s not a private thoroughfare no matter what they say.

    Much as I detest Gervais, he’s absolutely correct on this one!

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