Haiti Hospitals Overwhelmed By Quake Victims As Death Toll Hits 1,297 – IOTW Report

Haiti Hospitals Overwhelmed By Quake Victims As Death Toll Hits 1,297

PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) – Haiti’s hospitals were swamped on Sunday by thousands of injured residents after a devastating earthquake the day before killed at least 1,297 people as authorities raced to bring doctors to the worst-hit areas before a major storm hits.

The 7.2 magnitude quake on Saturday destroyed thousands of homes and buildings in a Caribbean nation which is still clawing its way back from another major temblor https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/haitians-quake-reawakens-trauma-disaster-decade-ago-2021-08-15 11 years ago and is reeling from the assassination of its president last month.

Southwestern Haiti bore the brunt of the blow, especially in the region in and around the town of Les Cayes. Haiti’s Civil Protection Agency said the toll from the disaster had climbed to 1,297 and the hospitals that were still functioning were struggling to cope as some 5,700 people were injured.

In the northwestern city of Jeremie, another badly hit area, doctors treated injured patients on hospital stretchers underneath trees and on mattresses by the side of the road, as healthcare centers have run out of space.

“We do have a serious issue,” Jerry Chandler, the head of Haiti’s Civil Protection Agency, told Reuters.

“There are very important facilities that are dysfunctional as we speak and those that are functional are receiving an overflow of patients,” he said. MORE

10 Comments on Haiti Hospitals Overwhelmed By Quake Victims As Death Toll Hits 1,297

  1. Well, at least they lived and died free of the oppression of the racist White Man. I’d offer to help but that would be me just pushing my white privilege around and Lord knows I would want to be guilty of pushing my race or “white culture” on those people. After all “all cultures are equal”. I mean I would find their living conditions on their best day to be savage and barbaric but who am I to judge? Maybe they like their hospitals overwhelmed?

    All I can say is their Voodoo high priests & priestesses need to dance their jig with more zeal and enthusiasm because what they are doing to prevent this kind of shit-show isn’t working. And looking through the filter of my white privilege it seems their efforts in helping the needy and wounded seem to be piss poor; but again, who am I to judge? I’m just glad that I have been educated and enlightened enough to understand that my thinking “those people need my help” is racist of me. Because those people are Black and Black people are as good and strong as anybody else and me as a white person thinking they need help is just perpetuating the evil cycle of White Western Civ dominance and after all ‘hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go’. Maybe Venezuela can send them some PC aid.

    Part of my new “I don’t care anymore/when does the 2nd civil war start?” attitude.


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