Haiti: Rebel Leader ‘Barbecue’ Threatens Politicians Taking Part of ‘Transition Council’ After PM Henry Resignation – IOTW Report

Haiti: Rebel Leader ‘Barbecue’ Threatens Politicians Taking Part of ‘Transition Council’ After PM Henry Resignation


Just as soon as Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry offered to resign, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken met with Caribbean leaders of CARICOM to institute a ‘transition council’ to take unelected, ‘provisional’ power after Henry.

Many other political groups are already jockeying for positions, as the highly corrupt political class aims to remain in power.

There was just one problem with their plans as divulged by the MSM, I wrote yesterday (14):

“What is notable in the Politico report is that nothing is said about rebel gang leader Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Chérizier, who controls the heavily armed men who are in charge of things on the ground.

It’s not like he is not a force to be reckoned with.”

Well, today the powerful rebel gang leader in Haiti has issued ‘a threatening message aimed at political leaders who would participate in a planned transition council’. more

11 Comments on Haiti: Rebel Leader ‘Barbecue’ Threatens Politicians Taking Part of ‘Transition Council’ After PM Henry Resignation

  1. And what is our US interest in Haiti?
    If Winken, Blinken, and Nod, want to go down there, let them do it on their own, representing no one but themselves, with no guards, only the protection they can carry personally. (“Have fun storming the castle”)
    We (the US) needs to stay out of there, and let the Haitians settle their own affairs, to sink or to swim on their own. And if they sink, so be it. We’ve pissed away enough money on that benighted rat hole.
    Send no funds, no soldiers, no supplies, out of our taxpayers’ money.
    If Hellery wants to donate out of her personal Foundation funds…..(ok, ok, I’ll stop now).
    And if every Haitian mother’s son kills themselves and each other…..well…..that just means that we whities will be able to step in, claim some territory, bulldoze the whole thing flat and start over fresh. “Under New Ownership and Management”. Might even make a decent second vacay cabin. I’ll shed no tears.

  2. “Shit-hole Country”! – some National Hero

    Fence it off until there is only one asshole left, and then Hammer Him/Her with a B-52 from 50,000 feet on Pay-Per-View.

  3. I know that Chérizier is a bad man, but his statement that he doesn’t want the nations of the world choosing their leaders strikes me as a worthy sentiment. He wants the people of Haiti to choose their own leaders.

    After all the chaos the UN, WHO, WEF, China, etc. have caused here trying to install their puppets in our ‘leadership’, I wouldn’t mind a little of ‘Barbecue’s’ tactics to drive them out of our country.

  4. Anyone who is not brainwashed by left wing dogma should clearly see be now that blacks and commies shouldn’t have power anywhere if the goal is to build a trust based, technology driven society. Never gonna happen with too many blacks in the power mix. Just look how they’ve wrecked virtually every large city in the US. They’re a sick, demonic joke.

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