Haitian migrants at Del Rio border were living, working in Chile, Brazil before Biden ‘opened the border’ – IOTW Report

Haitian migrants at Del Rio border were living, working in Chile, Brazil before Biden ‘opened the border’

Post Millennial: Evidence shows the mass congregation of Haitian migrants camped under the International Bridge across the US-Mexico border in Texas previously lived and worked in Latin American countries as refugees, mainly Chile and Brazil. They generally had access to housing and gainful employment, but decided to move to the US for opportunity there.

According to The Daily Mail, Todd Bensman, an expert who works for the Center for Immigration Studies said, “None of these Haitians are from Haiti. None of them. These Haitians are all from Chile and Brazil.”

“When Biden got in, word went out and they decided, we’re coming now. That was the decision point. I’ve interviewed 60 to 70 Haitians over the last year and it’s always the same story – Joe Biden opened the border so we decided we could upgrade our lifestyle.”

“I interviewed a guy an hour ago who said he was living in Brazil and making good money but he said he heard everyone was getting into America so he came.” more here

9 Comments on Haitian migrants at Del Rio border were living, working in Chile, Brazil before Biden ‘opened the border’

  1. I discovered this earlier today. A fellow conservative posted something on Facebook, which was accompanied by the obligatory Politi-‘Fact’ article. It said that many migrated to South America after the 2010 earthquake – thus rendering the argument re this year’s Haiti earthquake irrelevant.
    What the article did not address – even though it was ‘debunking’ the question of how Haitians got to the Mexico/Texas border – was how they crossed several borders and traveled thousands of miles from South America.
    Of course they had help. Zero chance they hiked all the way.

  2. @Left Coast Dan, I saw a report on Newsmax last night. There is a freight train the travels from the Guatemalan border to the US border. They showed video of thousands of them riding on top of and in between the train cars.
    Mexico is not stopping them.

  3. Sanctuary! This is the modern day equivalent of seeking sanctuary in a Roman Catholic Cathedral during the Middle Ages. Our entire country has become a sanctuary for anyone who can arrange to step over the Border and become a permanent Boarder.

  4. My daughter married a Chilean and we visited in December 2018. Both my sister and I noticed (at least in the cities) there were NO black people and NO Muslims. Chile is “very picky” about who they let into their country. If the Haitians were in Chile (again, I would be surprised) then they must have been working on farms and at the wineries, picking grapes.

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