Haitian officials say U.S. citizen among six arrested in connection President Moïse assassination – IOTW Report

Haitian officials say U.S. citizen among six arrested in connection President Moïse assassination

The men purportedly posed as U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency officers. 

9 Comments on Haitian officials say U.S. citizen among six arrested in connection President Moïse assassination

  1. The only real question here is who’s money did the dead guy fuck with? It’s the only reason he’s dead.

    Haiti? Nobody gives a shit about Haiti. Money, on the other hand, whole shit loads of people care about that.

  2. Haiti just requested that US Forces be assigned to guard their key installations during this critical time. This crap was planned by the CIA and Biden will be sending our troops there. This don’t look good, folks!

  3. Well, It was either the ChiComs, because he wouldn’t play ball with WHO’s lock down bull shit, or the Clinton’s, because apparently he was going to start an investigation into Child Trafficking. Bottom line, they probably were DEA. Deep State bitches. Or, Deep State Assassins.


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