Hajj Closed to Iranians – IOTW Report

Hajj Closed to Iranians

FP: Last year, almost 75,000 Iranians went on the hajj — the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, a requirement of Islam, that many scrimp and save for years to afford.

hajj stampede

Hajj Stampede

This year, the Islamic Republic is set to send zero.

Since last year’s hajj, tensions between Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia have peaked. Disaster marked the 2015 pilgrimage: A stampede, one of many in the hajj’s history, cost at least 2,426 lives, 464 of them Iranian. Iran said Saudi “incompetence” and  “mismanagement” were to blame.  more here

12 Comments on Hajj Closed to Iranians

  1. mrhanoverfist , even steven,

    Wiping Mecca from the face of the Earth would also have lasting benefits – it would then be impossible to make the pilgrimage from then on out for any and all of them.

  2. mussies are destroying churches world wide-why not just bomb that big black rock and the mosque of the dome as well? opps, forgot,it is a religion of piece’s- pieces of your bodies-your churches your land et cetera. have a nice day. 🙂

  3. Mr Hanoverfist,
    I love it when the Left eat their own.

    But better than a nuke of any kind, which creates a big loud boom-and-flash, and tells EVERYONE something happened, with accompanying retaliations . . .. .
    I prefer a genetically mutated germ/virus/ bacteria, introduced into the air/food/water. Nice and quiet, delayed action until AFTER all the hajjis return home and spread it around. . . .
    OR – – – a radioactive dust, spread in the air/on the ground, scattered by wind and sandstorms. Again, nice and quiet, no one knows anything has been done until AFTER everyone starts dropping like flies.

  4. So, what does a Muzzie get if he dies in a Hajj?
    A toaster oven, copy of Muhammed’s autobiography: “Seven Year Olds Are Tighter Than A Frog’s Ass” and an eternal supply of hand lotion and Kleenex?

  5. B Woodman

    OK. You’re on the strategy team.

    Await further notice and have your affairs in order for departure.

    It would be a crime to let things go on with such techniques available…


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