Half-naked Connecticut man charged after allegedly ‘humping’ trees – IOTW Report

Half-naked Connecticut man charged after allegedly ‘humping’ trees

True Crime Daily: A Connecticut man was arrested after officers responded to a report of someone “humping trees” in a Naugatuck neighborhood.

Naugatuck Police responded to a report of “an unknown male in a back yard, half-dressed, humping trees, screaming, and eating branches” at about 3 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 12. more

39 Comments on Half-naked Connecticut man charged after allegedly ‘humping’ trees

  1. …not long after we moved into a house across from a nicely landscaped Board of Education, whose arboreal splendor belied the terrible scholastic ideas within, we were outside when this guy in an ice cream truck came roaring up to the Board side of the street, hastily and sloppily parked facing into traffic, and RAN to one of the trees lining the walkway leading to the front doors of the place. There were many nearly identical trees there so I’m not sure what made this one special, but after rushing up to it he stopped and had what appeared to be a lunch and conversation with it, then gathered his things and calmly went back to his ice cream truck, and we never saw him or his ice cream again.

    The tree was struck by lightning years later, and they cut it down and dug it up without our erstwhile Lorax ever noticeably re-emerging, or even leaving a rose where it used to be.

    …maybe he found another tree, and what I saw was a divorce.

    …I’ll never know…

  2. While sitting in jail, he wrote a letter to his beloved tree: “Dearest, I pine for yew every minute of every day…my palm cannot take the place of your sweet syrup…I long for your aspen…if I can’t come around to see you for awhile, don’t be grouchy and don’t become a beech”.

  3. Okay, just to be clear, while I may live in Corupticut that is NOT me under a different name.

    Joyce Kilmer could not be reached for comment.
    “I think that I shall never see
    a poem as lovely as a tree.”

    Well in his defense, the trees did have some crotches.


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