Half of Seattle Students Have Not Logged in to Remote Learning This Fall – IOTW Report

Half of Seattle Students Have Not Logged in to Remote Learning This Fall


According to district spokesperson, about 25k students have logged into their systems, out of 55k registered students. more

16 Comments on Half of Seattle Students Have Not Logged in to Remote Learning This Fall

  1. Virtual classes are a failure, the High Schools in our area are reporting attendance but the majority of students are flailing or failing the classes.

    Being in front of a Zoom call for 7 hrs. each day is mind numbing, plus teachers rarely end on time (no class bells) and for some reason are piling on the homework to compensate for lack of class time.

  2. Another stab at an Utopian solution that didn’t work out the way it was supposed to. Awww, and it looked so good in the models. The District doesn’t know what the “issues” are. Should we tell them?

  3. …they’ve been working in the three R’s all summer…rioting, raping, and anti-White Racism.

    …you know, the subjects Democrats want them to excel in.

    …and I hear honorary professor Shaun Kings’ final exam in Genocide is gonna be just BRUTAL for the White kids…

  4. Most of the lectures at my daughters University are recorded and accessed at the students desire. A lot of students are probably still a bit lazy from the 3 week flatten the curve shit that is now 6 months long.

    Shame on us!

    The real question is, once these classes are all recorded, do you really need the extremely high salaries of these professors?
    I can be easily argued that they should get an initial fee and SMALL residuals afterwards.

    If it was not for Government grants & loans most universities & colleges would lower their prices to meet what students could afford. Courses would be streamlined with less superfluous & unneeded extras. Grads could get into the work force earlier and top up their education with 2 evening courses a year.

    But who would pay for NCAA fucking stadiums and fancy homes for the upper level administrators which in many cases dwarf the NFL’s stadiums & coach salaries.


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