Half the country thinks Clinton has lied about her health to the public – IOTW Report

Half the country thinks Clinton has lied about her health to the public

I guess that makes half the country ‘deplorable’?

TheWeek: Fifty percent of people think that Hillary Clinton “has given the public false information about her heath,” aPolitico/Morning Consult poll found in the days following the Democratic nominee’s pneumonia scare at the 9/11 Memorial on Sunday. By comparison, only 37 percent of people say the same about Donald Trump.

Overall, people think Trump is healthier than Clinton, with 22 percent saying Clinton’s health is “above average or excellent” and 36 percent saying the same for Trump.  MORE

17 Comments on Half the country thinks Clinton has lied about her health to the public

  1. So frail and feeble she couldn’t SIT quietly through a 2 hour service without having whatever medical problems in her VIP seat, then collapsing just as her van arrives?
    And so completely out of it her entourage drives off leaving her shoe behind on the street curb.

    That photo of The Ababdoned 9/11 Shoe should be made into a viral meme.
    Hint, hint, BFH.

    I think Scott Adams is right. That was her Dean Scream/S.S. Monkey Business turning point, where it all went South.

    And all 50 States are long past their deadlines for getting a replacement candidate on the ballot.

    Hence the trial balloons about DoJ/DHS taking over the elections process.

  2. Hillary’s Doctor has called her fit. I’d like to see the kind of energy and activity on her part that tells us she can knock off 4 years no problem. She needs to ramp this thing up or go the hell home.

  3. She’ll just “power through” as she has so far.

    She’s is so damned careless-her own health, her emails, our security, her marriage, her aides and assistants, etc.

    I think she may be suffering from megalomania: a condition or mental illness that causes people to think that they have great or unlimited power or importance.

  4. Let’s see now: Half the country doesn’t believe Hillary lied about her health. And approximately half the country doesn’t pay income tax. What a strange coinkydink.

    Do you suppose there could be some sort of relationship —



  5. The other half know that explaining female different ableness is what empowers misogyny. Because it doesn’t exist! You bastard! Everybody should have the same lack of scheduled workload. That just proves that women and men are equal. They’re With Her! Because Vagina! (Oh. Oh my. I guess I shouldn’t do the Black Power salute while uttering that firmly. Not screaming! You deplorable misogynist.)

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