Halloween Is Coming – IOTW Report

Halloween Is Coming

Earl Of Taint: As some know, this is one of my favorite premises for Ridicule, Pointing and Laughing at Public Fuckers Figures I see via the Dub-Dub-Dub and this year is no exception. We start with one that jumped right out because the original needed no copy changes. This was a Lon Cheney version.

10 Comments on Halloween Is Coming

  1. My mom and dad were Folgers junkies, when I was their caregiver in their last year if I didn’t have Folgers or bought another brand they would know it and get PO’d at me. So Folgers it was, to me coffee is coffee but to them forget it, if it wasn’t Folgers it wasn’t coffee. They also boiled water for their coffee and poured it over the coffee grounds to make their coffee and that was their way they made coffee.

  2. Back in the 60’s. they were filming a Folger’s commercial at a supermarket near my school, so after school I stood around and watched them film. Mrs. Olsen chain-smoked between takes, and seemed like an unhappy, unpleasant woman. I also had the pleasure of watching a Corvair commercial starring Fred MacMurray being filmed, and a scene from Adam 12. Life in LA, before it was ruined.

  3. Gutfeld has been using the Creature From the Black Lagoon as Biden.

    My father loved Folger’s.
    I love the smell of coffee but not the taste. Good strong black tea for me.
    It doesn’t make a catchy ad like Folger’s in your cup.


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