Hamas-Linked CAIR Lawyers-Up Orlando Terrorist’s Family, Mosque Suspects – IOTW Report

Hamas-Linked CAIR Lawyers-Up Orlando Terrorist’s Family, Mosque Suspects

CounterJihad: If you are a member of the media or even an investigator with the FBI seeking to question members of the Orlando terrorist’s family or mosque, you will now have to go through a federally listed terrorist front group — the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Calls to Omar Mateen’s father and other relatives are now redirected to a phone number for a CAIR attorney, and another CAIR lawyer is sitting in on FBI interviews with suspects at Mateen’s radical mosque in Fort Pierce, Fla. — even though the FBI has suspended formal ties to CAIR over the group’s association with terrorist groups.

CAIR lawyered up a suspect who was interviewed by two FBI agents at the mosque for about 30 minutes on Friday. The CAIR lawyer, Omar Saleh, also happens to be a longstanding member of that same mosque — the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce — as well as a friend of the Mateen family. Mateen’s sisters, who work at the mosque and own property on the same street, follow local CAIR coordinators on social media.

The small Islamic center has now graduated two deadly terrorists in the past two years, including a worshiper who became the first American suicide bomber in Syria. Local law enforcement authorities call it “a breeding ground” for terrorists.  more here

2 Comments on Hamas-Linked CAIR Lawyers-Up Orlando Terrorist’s Family, Mosque Suspects

  1. CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, and the Democrat Party are all terrorist organizations and therefore protected, supported, and directed by the Hate America First Club President Imam B. Hussein Obama, et al!

  2. EXCELENT Djkimgo…
    of note…these congressmen support cair
    bobby rush..illnois
    danny davis….”
    mike guigley….”
    tammy duckworth..”
    andre carson indiana

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