Hamas Women’s Movement leader says all Gaza women ready to kill themselves in jihad suicide bombings – IOTW Report

Hamas Women’s Movement leader says all Gaza women ready to kill themselves in jihad suicide bombings

She seems fun.

Jihad Watch:

[…] Rajaa Al-Halabi, the Head of Hamas’s Women’s Movement, said in a December 13, 2021 interview on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) praised female suicide bomber Rim Al-Riyashi and would-be suicide bomber Fatima Al-Najjar. She said that all the women of Hamas and Gaza would become suicide bombers if asked. more

13 Comments on Hamas Women’s Movement leader says all Gaza women ready to kill themselves in jihad suicide bombings

  1. And Israel is accused of being an apartheid state for allowing Palestinians to work but keeping alert and responding to attacks

    How do you coexist against a group of people whose admitted goal is to remove you from existence?

  2. I think most everyone here had pretty much the same first thought: Go ahead and throw a jihad suicide party and invite all your closest jihadette friends. And then at the stroke of midnight, let the fireworks begin. It will be a glorious sight.


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