Hampshire College restores flags – IOTW Report

Hampshire College restores flags


Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass. will once again fly the American flag on campus, at full-staff, administrators announced Friday.

The announcement reverses a decision to remove the flag that made the school a subject of protest and ridicule for the past two weeks.

Hampshire initially placed its on-campus flag at half staff following President-elect Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the election. But several student activists agitated for the flag to be removed entirely, saying it represented oppressive forces like the police and the U.S. military.

Then, the night before Veterans Day, an unknown person took down the flag and burned it. The school put another flag up for Veterans Day, but a few days later announced it was taking the flag down indefinitely. At the time, president Jonathan Lash said he hoped removing the flag would encouraged students to focus on more important issues like fighting against racism and anti-gay rhetoric.
But many others didn’t react positively. The school was sharply criticized by the mayor of Amherst, and a large crowd of military veterans showed up to publicly protest.

6 Comments on Hampshire College restores flags

  1. Why should this change anything?
    They’ve already indicated their hate-America policy … so …?

    Now they’ll hate America, oppose Freedom, and support Socialism and Tyranny on the sly?

    Not seeing the advantage for America, here.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. President Elect Trump has accomplished more since November 8th (Freedom from Oppression and Conservative Emancipation Day) than the current interloper, faux president Obama has done in eight years. Signs of freedom taking back America FOR EVERYBODY, are springing up everywhere. Look at Texas governor pushing back on ILLEGAL ALIEN ‘sanctuary’ cities and colleges! The veterans protesting in Amherst.

    It’s like watching the wave at football games. They start out small and with each round they grow. Tsunami Trump is on his way. Head to high ground snowflakes and liberal crooks.

  3. These little college shits need to have some discipline, including the university staff. It should start by having EVERYONE at the university fall out on a daily basis to stand for the raising of the flag, and for The Pledge of Allegiance. Those who complain of fail to comply should be immediately expelled or fired, this includes ‘tenured’ employees.

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