Hanging Trump effigy ignored by police, unlike similar stunts aimed at Obama – IOTW Report

Hanging Trump effigy ignored by police, unlike similar stunts aimed at Obama

AmericanMirror:  Police in Fort Wayne, Indiana are shrugging their shoulders over a Donald Trump effigy hanging high in a tree in Fort Wayne, Indiana neighborhood, a stark contrast to reactions to similar stunts by those who opposed Obama in recent years.

Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, a U.S. Army veteran in the historic Oakdale neighborhood hoisted a life-sized Donald Trump effigy into a large tree in his front yard, where it continues to hang by a noose around its neck, WANE reports.

The life-sized doll is dressed in a suit, with what appears to be blood running down the front of its shirt, as well as orange feet and hands, which are affixed to a flag of the former Soviet Union, according to Fox 59.

Neighbors told reporters the home belongs to an Army veteran, and a banner on the home reads “Trump is a disgrace to America & makes me ashamed I ever served.” Several other anti-Trump signs, some vulgar, also decorate the home.

“It was kind of shocking,” neighbor Jared Paden told WANE. “Honestly, I don’t necessarily like it. I’m not really excited about it being in my neighborhood.”


22 Comments on Hanging Trump effigy ignored by police, unlike similar stunts aimed at Obama

  1. This has got to stop! I suffered through eight years of Clinton and eight years of Obama and never threatened anyone, burned anything down or protested in the streets. F,ing grow up or face prison time.

  2. Pro-Trump demonstrators blocked neighborhood streets, smashed store windows, set fire to cars, and vandalized the homeowner’s property. Anti-Trump passersby were assaulted. One was knocked unconscious. /s

  3. This just works to Trump’s advantage as Americans witness just what hatemongers reside in the democrat party.
    Top to bottom they’re putting on quite a display of collective insanity. Keep it up assholes.
    You’re walking right into the trap that Trump laid for you.

  4. Oh, TrumpHanger, it must really SUCK to live in a state surrounded by folks who elected President Trump.

    I bet it really boils your blood. I bet it drives you insane, knowing that there are sooo many around you who support President Trump.

    Say it with me, TrumpHanger, PRESIDENT Trump.


    PRESIDENT Trump.


    PRESIDENT Trump.

    Boy, don’t that just cook your brain, TrumpHanger?

    Yep. That smarts, don’t it?

  5. Maybe conservatives ought to start a recall against the Mayor unless he fires the police chief. That should get some action. I suspect that there are already people in the town whose jobs have ben saved by Trumps policies. As for this Trumphanger I’d suggest he has some mental difficulties and serious anger issues. Maybe the VA ought to help as there are a lot of other ways to demonstrate your dislike for the President. Hell, if it had been Obama hanging the chances are he’s have been in jail or a hospital.

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