Hapless NYC Mayor De Blasio Posts Silly Faux-Dramatic Mask Video – IOTW Report

Hapless NYC Mayor De Blasio Posts Silly Faux-Dramatic Mask Video

RedState: Bill de Blasio “might” be the most self-unaware mayor in the history of New York City. In his six years in office, the hizzoner has managed to alienate everyone from New Yorkers on both sides of the political aisle to the NYPD, NY Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and Donald Trump.

In addition, de Blasio’s willingness to beclown himself is legendary.

To paraphrase Greg Kinnear’s character to Jack Nicholson’s character in “As Good as It Gets,” the best thing the hapless mayor has going for him is his willingness to humiliate himself.

In a New York City-produced video released on Tuesday, de Blasio melodramatically — dramatic music included — stands outside Gracie Mansion… and… puts on a mask. “In New York City we wear our masks, proudly,” proclaims the tweet.

As BizPac Review described it, “the video opens [with], the camera [panning] down from the sky above the mayor’s residence to an initially mask-less de Blasio, who then proceeds to don one in an exaggerated manner while dramatic music plays.”

After de Blasio puts on the mask, he salutes in an exaggerated fashion, spins around, and strides “triumphantly” into the mansion. read more

17 Comments on Hapless NYC Mayor De Blasio Posts Silly Faux-Dramatic Mask Video

  1. …also, dude has NO idea how to salute correctly. I can only assume he’s confusing it with the stiff-arm technique favored by Nazis and raised fist preferred by Commies (either of which would be more natural for him), and so it ends up being that thing he did that’s a mockery to uniformed military and paramilitary services everywhere…

  2. I watched this a couple days ago and I wondered, what would this Jack Ass do for a living if the communists in New York had not elected him? He’d be starving to death and be the oldest participant in BLMAntifa ever. His wife would be sleeping around for money. Hey those quarters add up. His kids would be sticking up liquor stores with plastic guns. Not pretty.

  3. Good grief. de Blasio thinks he was upstaged for the dumbass-mayor award by Chicago Mayor Lightfoot and her “Rona Destroyer” superhero outfit. And is trying to reclaim the spotlight at center stage.

  4. never ever trust a mutha fxcker who’s hips are wider than their shoulders.


    I know you cant stand me, but that was fuggin funny.

  5. my hips might be wider than my shoulders…. crazy structural thing from my parents….. Don’t know what to say at this point but IF YOU DON”T LIKE IT I WILL FUKCING KILL YOU! Kukc off!
    Come see.

  6. “Unaware” doesn’t describe this freak: he’s literally nuts, and believes himself to be some kind of Soviet commissar.

    How he became mayor of NYC is a tale like an idiot like Alexandra Cortez becoming a congressdoofus, obama becoming US president, and Kamala harris running for vice president.

  7. Crackerbaby has a lower center of gravity so he’s more stable, kinda like Weebles who wobble but don’t fall down, so there’s that.
    Crackerbaby, we love ya man!


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