Happy 245th Birthday and Semper Fidelis Marines! – IOTW Report

Happy 245th Birthday and Semper Fidelis Marines!

Cato alerted us-

“Remembering my friend and Teammate Marine CPL Jimmy W who served in Vietnam for over 50 years.  I still pray that he’ll be found and brought home.
Semper Fidelis to all Marines and Navy Corpsmen past and present.”

Marines.mil: November 10, 2020 will mark the 245th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Dating back to 1775, just eight months prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental Congress established the Continental Marines.

The newly formed Marine Corps’ purpose was to provide additional security and support for the Continental Navy. Led by Commandant Samuel Nicholas, the initial two battalions of Continental Marines performed gallantly during the Revolutionary War, but were disbanded by Congress following the war due to fiscal constraints. However, more than two decades later, the Marines were reborn when on July 11, 1798, the US Congress ordered the reestablishment of a Marine Corps, which would operate under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy. From that day until the present, Marines have served with distinction in every clime and place.

As contained in the greeting of this message, “Semper Fidelis”, or “Semper Fi” for short, is the Marine Corps’ motto. It means “always faithful” in Latin, and it signifies a Marine’s loyalty to the mission, to the Corps and to the country. What you may not know is that Semper Fi did not become the Corps’ official motto until 1883. During its first century of existence, the Corps had a few unofficial mottos: “to the shores of Tripoli,” which commemorates the Marines’ service in the First Barbary War; “Fortitudine” meaning “with courage”; and “Per Mare, Per Terram” (“by sea and by land”), which US Marines borrowed from the British Royal Marines. The Marine Corps is the smallest of the armed services in the Department of Defense, with roughly 190,000 active-duty personnel.

Since 1921, Marines worldwide have celebrated the Marine Corps birthday with parades, formal gatherings, and cake-cuttings no matter the circumstance. This year’s celebration will be no different, and although Marines cannot gather in large numbers to celebrate, the Marines of DTRA and DLA have collaborated to develop a unique, virtual 245th USMC Birthday Celebration.

Join us on November 10, 2020 at 1000, to view the 245th Marine Corps Birthday Celebration video.

Wherever you find yourself this November 10th, be sure to wish the Marines you know a Happy 245th Birthday!

an additional hat tip to Doc

28 Comments on Happy 245th Birthday and Semper Fidelis Marines!

  1. Happy Birthday, Marines!

    I remember, as a grade schooler, wrapping individual chocolate chip cookies and packing boxes of Swiss Miss and sugared Kool-Aide, magazines, candy and beef jerky for shipment to my eldest Marine brother in Vietnam. He served two tours at the height of the war. He was so handsome in his dress uniform. He was a casualty of PTSD; never the same when he returned.

  2. @AA – “…Guess under which CIC, the most celebrated Marine’s tagline, “The Few. The Proud. The Marines.” was dropped?…”

    Dateline: Sept. 29, 2016

    That would be the first halfrican muslim in chief, who also gutted the military top brass.

    Happy birthday to The Few and the Proud.

  3. My favorite Marine joke; Why do they put Marine’s on ships? So the sailors will have somebody to dance with.

    I’ve known several Marine’s will working 30 years in LE, no better beat partners, never worried whether they had my back, and they knew I had theirs.

  4. I have a friend who is a former Sergeant Major in the Corps. He’s loud, opinionated, abrupt and an all around in your face patriotic and blunt type of guy. A leftist’s nightmare. I take him to lunch every year around Veteran’s Day.

  5. Happy birthday Marines, as a Navy vet we are not pussies, you need us to get you there to fight our enemies. The Marines and Navy are the best, period end of story. My nephew who was a Navy Lt. JG called his two younger brothers who were both Marines the Men’s Dept. of the Navy. And I still remember the jarheads yelling at us from their side of the fence at the MCRD (Marine Corp Recruit Depot) next door to the Navy boot camp in San Diego that we were a bunch of pussies when we also were out on the grinder in basic training. The truth is we need and complement each others service.

  6. Happy birthday to my jarhead brethren, enjoy a second helping of crayons for dessert! Kidding aside, interservice rivalry is the best kind of fun. At least the marines have a good sense of humor about being called crayon eaters, the navy guys have no sense of humor when it comes to comparing meals.

  7. My favorite joke:
    Little boy asked his grandpa “Did you ever kill anyone when you were in the Marine Corps Grandpa?”
    Gramps responds with ” I probably did…I was a COOK!”

  8. Two of my former Dentists were Navy Corpsman embedded with the Marines during the Vietnam War. And another older friend was also a Navy Corpsman with the the Marines back then, they are all good guys. May God bless all the veterans from the oldest still living WW2 vets, Korean War vets, Vietnam vets and all the younger guys who served in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001 as well. And may God also my bless my boss Patrick Goldberg, a former USMC Gunny Sgt. who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and having fought in the battle for Fallujah in Iraq. And all my Marine friends including my Uncle Bob who was with the 5th Marine Division and fought at Iwo Jima and survived WW2. May God continue to bless all of us who answered the call to duty during periods of peace as well as war. They, all of us vets are truly national treasures.

  9. Caught guard duty at Camp Geiger while in infantry training. Only one post carried live ammo, that being the combination of armory and medical warehouse. I carried a sawed off (technically short-barrel) shotgun. During weapons fam (familiarization) we live fired at some trees. The range officer provided verbal instruction, saying “if you need to defend your post, make sure to shoot your threat in the leg.” Thing is, every time he said “leg” he pointed at his head. Gotta love the Corps. Semper Fi to my Marine family.

    USMC (1967 – 1973)

  10. My uncle Scotty was a Marine who served during WWII in both Europe and Pacific theaters. He was bayoneted in the back on a South Pacific Island by a Jap. He survived, but suffered back problems the rest of his life. After the war he also served as White House honor guard. After his service he worked at the local VA hospital until he retired. He died about 10 years ago. RIP Uncle Scotty!

  11. Hey DOC,

    Here’s another.
    Inspector General was doing a mess hall inspection and as he was concluding his survey he stepped out to the rear onto the loading docks and He sees two marines eating out of a dumpster.
    Spitting mad he screams at the unfortunate troops “Get back inside, you’re no better than anyone else!”


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