Happy Birthday, BFH! – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday, BFH!


Happy Birthday from the gang!
Hope you’re having a great one!

Thanks for creating a spot for us to hang out together.

Please click here [or the gift box below] if you’d like to send BFH a gift!

Thank you!

126 Comments on Happy Birthday, BFH!

  1. Happy birthday Fur. Thanks for creating and maintaining this great site. You do good work. Scratch that – great work!

    Here’s to many more – the next four of which, under the leadership of President Donald J Trump.

    STP!!! Thank you!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FUR!!! Wow, 29 is rolling back around again!
    Just kidding!! Just kidding!!

    Young At Heart
    Frank Sinatra, Charles Aznavour

    Fairytales can come true
    It can happen to you
    If you’re young at heart
    For it’s hard you will find

    To be narrow of mind
    If you’re young at heart
    You can go to extremes
    With impossible schemes

    You can laugh when your dreams
    Fall apart at the seams
    And life gets more exciting
    With each passing day
    And love is either in your heart

    Or on it’s way
    Don’t you know that it’s worth
    Every treasure on earth
    To be young at heart
    For as rich as you are
    It’s much better by far
    To be young at heart

    And if you should survive to 105
    Look at all you’ll derive
    Out of being alive
    And here is the best part
    You’ve had a head start
    If you are among the very
    Young at heart

    And if you should survive to 105
    Look of all you’ll derive
    Out of being alive
    And here is the best part
    You have a head start
    If you are among the very
    Young at heart…


    Happy Birthday, Fur.


    Love you too.

  3. Mine was yesterday, although I think i’m just a tad older than you.

    Thanks for providing a site were like minded folks can collaborate, commiserate, and compassion-ate(?) with each other. In the last few weeks I’ve needed it more than ever.

    Thank you brother.

  4. Happy bday wishes, BFH…Here’s hoping Georgia will bring you (and us) a greatly deserved present in January. Also, enjoy the Georgia golf (Masters) this weekend.

    Is this THE anonymous?? ha.

  5. Happy Birthday, BigFurHat!

    I met and hugged you in my dream two nights ago! It was wonderful. 🙂

    P.S. I knew you by your blue knit gloves. LOL

    It’s not my birthday until it’s TUESDAY!

  6. Happy Birthday, I don’t think I am engaging in hyperbole when I say this site is a “life saver” for me. I hope you have a wonderful day, BFH.

    Dear Corky! Another old friend.

  7. …Owl licked the end of his pencil, and wondered how to spell “birthday.”

    “Can you read, Pooh?” he asked, a little anxiously. “There’s a notice about knocking and ringing outside my door, which Christopher Robin wrote. Could you read it?”

    “Christopher Robin told me what it said, and then I could.”

    “Well, I’ll tell you what this says, and then you’ll be able to.”

    So Owl wrote…and this is what he wrote:


    Pooh looked on admiringly.

    “I’m just saying ‘A Happy Birthday,’” said Owl carelessly.

    “It’s a nice long one,” said Pooh, very much impressed by it.

    “Well, actually, of course, I’m saying ‘A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh.’ Naturally it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that.”

    “Oh, I see,” said Pooh.

    That was great. TY!

  8. Cue Marilyn Monroe singing happy birthday to you.

    Now pop an alligator in it’s tiny brain and join the sharpshooters league. You just might need the skill pretty soon.

    You’re the best, Fur. Thanks for all you do.

    You won your election, too, Mister. Acknowledge it or not. Either way, we know you rule.

    Time to break out the $200+ Single malt.

    The president elect is here!

  9. Happy Birthday, BFH!
    Thank you for working so diligently to keep our merry band of snarky and peacekeeping commenters, those seeking to be truly “woke” and even trolls well informed, enlightened and energized. Have a great birthday.

    Thank you dear friend.

  10. A belated happy birthday to you, too. Rich Taylor.

    Taylor being the other half of our family reunions had me wonder a bit, but no, no Dicks in our family.

    Love ya anyway!

  11. Birthday greetings from by wifes 6th grade class….
    happy birthday to you
    happy birthday to you
    you look like a monkey
    and you smell like one too.

    May the Son always shine upon you.

    Charlie!!! Thank you!

  12. H-B-D Fig Fur Hat!
    Thank you for helping us get through these stressful times by providing this digital sanctuary. It’s a great place to learn, have fun and share our thoughts.

    Veep elect now! Wow. (TY for all you do Jethro)

  13. Happy birthday Mr.Hat. Have you made it to the point where you are complimented when you get carded instead of insulted?

    I am 39 so I am ten years older than you.

    I caught up, somehow! lol

  14. Was gonna donate a penny for every year but then thought that’s gonna be pretty close to a dollar and I don’t actually know nor have I met you. You’re going to have to settle for a sincere HAPPY BIRTHDAY!🎂

    and you areeeeeeeeee??? lol

  15. Happy Birthday BFH. And if my calculations are correct it may be a BIG one. I think he may be the big Three O.

    This is horrible. I’ve known you Ftuye-Fueh years. Holy moly.

  16. You need to know that my keyboard is semi-auto vs full-auto (one keystroke for each letter vs holding the key and running with it):


  17. Once upon a time there was this old Chinese man with a very short and unusual last name.

    It was “Yu”.

    He also had a similar first name, which was “Tu”.

    So – once a year his wife, children, and other family members would gather around him and sing:

    ♫ “Happy birthday, Tu Yu,
    Happy birthday, Tu Yu…” ♪

    …Anyway, same tu yu.


    hu yu??

  18. Okay, I’ve been hangin around here almost since the start of this gig and STILL no cake!

    Happy Birthday anyway OH Furry One.

    I mean another f***ing few minutes he could be a stool, that’s how often he’s at iOTWreport.
    (Ha, name that movie.)

  19. Happy Birthday Mr. Hat!

    You have a great site and I will never forget how kind you were when Jim died.

    Those were tough days and nights, RL. I will never forget how brave and loyal you were/are.

    (I did not know you were a Meat Loaf fan. I will put a song up later…)

  20. Is this another one of those “virtue signaling” things?

    Well, you’re a virtuous guy so I’ll allow it.

    HBDBFH!! The vote’s/…I mean check’s in the mail.

    Thank you Woody. According to Pennsylvania Supreme Court, you have plenty of time to mail a check and have it be valid for November 14th. Next month is fine.

  21. BFH who?
    Oh ya.
    That wizzled up old fck that runs this site……
    Happy Birthday.
    May your death be from a bullet as you escape from another man’s wife’s bedroom window……..at 102.

    Ha. My last words? “Thank you ladies, that was great.”

  22. See what happens when I work outside all day raking, shredding and burning leaves (yea, my sisters finally let the pyromaniac handle the matches!). I missed Fur’s party. Any cake left?

    Happy Birthday, Fur!

    Always have cake for you. Or pie.

  23. “I just wanted to do something important.”
    — Norman Rockwell

    IOTW is important to so many people and so are you! Happiest of Birthday wishes to you! 🎂🌟

    What can I say? You are a huge part of the heart and soul of this site, for a very, very long time!
    Thank you.

  24. Late to the post, you put it up when I was between things like you usually do the good ones. Why can’t you center everything around ME? 😉

    A birthday haiku

    The Man with the Hat
    Spends his time herding us cats
    Gets lame birthday thanks.

    May your life ACTUALLY be as long as 2020 SEEMS, but with much greater joy, and FAR less Democrats.

    Dear Lord, we thank you for giving BFH to his mother this day so he could grow to one day be inspired to run a political blog that actually welcomes Christians. It is clear that You made a special deposit of talent on this man, both in his God given artistic abilities and his abilities to proctor this forum to the devil’s dismay. Please Lord bless him in the coming year, guard him and guide him, lead him to personal victory even as You help him to inspire others. Lord anoint him to Your service and grant him success in all that he does, make Your sign of health and happiness upon him that he may continue to lead others to Your light.

    And we ask it all in the precious name of Jesus,

    God Bless,

    Wow! Thank you! Sincerely.

  25. Happy Birthday Biggie!! Thanks for all that you do!! Hoping and praying that Larson E. Bin Bi Din is kicked to the curb as soon as possible.

    Thank you for all of your input throughout the years. Still king of the wordsmithery.

  26. I feel like I’ve known you since you were LITTLE FUR HAT! Thanks to Oleg and the crew! I’d come over and shovel snow for you as a birthday present, but I don’t think you need that any longer.

    Live long and prosper my friend!

    Semper Fi

    You are a friend. Indeed. TY. Shoveling is a free service where I live now.

  27. IronyCurtain November 14, 2020 at 3:15 pm

    “…Happy Birthday BFH. And if my calculations are correct it may be a BIG one. I think he may be the big Three O…”

    Fur’s reply: “…This is horrible. I’ve known you Ftuye-Fueh years. Holy moly…”

    I think we have a clue as to the age of this Old Fur Hat. Can anyone interpret Ftuye-Fueh? I take it to be forty-four. So, the next question is when did Fur meet Irony?

    From Irony’s bio in the “About Us” section:

    “…Years later Irony would team up with Big Fur Hat, And Hippie Critic as secret members of the Art School Resistance and a movement was born…”

    So, putting all the pieces of this puzzle together, Fur has known Irony for forty four years; Irony teamed up with (met for the first time?) Fur in Art School (age 18-ish?).

    That makes Fur Fiddie-Tueh-ish, give or take tehhn years.

    How’d I do?

    Frittehgoo. Calose.

  28. Goodfellas

    “Hello, my name is Dan (actually Jim) and I’m a IOTW-aholic.”

    I.O.T.W. is usually the first site I go to in the morning and the last one at night…and sometimes during the day.

    Good job! Thank you.

  29. I just now saw this. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIGFUR! We share the same birthday month. Mines coming up next week. My doctor said I could have a piece of birthday cake – nice of him to allow me to do that right? I’d rather have a piece of sourdough bread smothered with garlic butter. 🙂 The Lord saw us through another year.

    TY friend!

  30. But BFH, if you’re only 39, how did you know about your asshole art teacher’s gloating about Reagan getting shot … cause that happened 39 YEARS AGO!

    You gonna tell me that you were enrolled in art school while STILL A FETUS?? C’mon, Man

    Dont be a lying, dog face pony soldier. You have to be at least 40

    Caught me. 42.

  31. Darn it got here late was up at the the Bunker, but glad to be here NOW at the IOTWr Bar / House Par-tay.

    First things first, The Little Rascals, Mr Hood:

    This is my improved upon version:

    Happy Birthday @BFH
    Happy Birthday to YOU,
    To make your birthday turn out good,
    We sing this song,
    On your day,
    In this way,
    IF WE MAY,
    and give this present to YOOOOOUUUUUU!

    Happy Birthday @BFH. Thanks for having the vision and sense of HUMOR in creating this joint…

    BTW, do I need to make a beer run??

    (Oh from the pic you sent us of the haircut back in April or whatever, ONLY 39???! TOO much blondish grey for 39….;>o

    Thank you Ghost!! No beer. Pizza.


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