Canada Day is often informally referred to as “Canada’s birthday”, particularly in the popular press.[5][6][7] However, the term “birthday” can be seen as an oversimplification, as Canada Day is the anniversary of only one important national milestone on the way to the country’s full independence, namely the joining on July 1, 1867, of the colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick into a wider British federation of four provinces (the colony of Canada being divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec upon Confederation). Canada became a “kingdom in its own right” within the British Empire commonly known as the Dominion of Canada.[n 1][9][10][11][12] — wikipedia.

But, even though it is a day of celebration, the Canadian government managed to trash itself on one of their websites. For Tim Horton’s sake. Is it ever possible to have a little fun and celebrate your nation’s accomplishments without being nagged? Stop stressing and oppressing your people, Canada!
[Trust us, we get it]
God bless and save us both.
Love, America.
Happy NOTUR B-Day Canadia.
IF you look at an image of canada at night from space, you will note most canadians live within 1100 miles of the US border. North of this it looks similar to an image of North Korea at night from space.
that should be within 100 miles of the US border.
please bring back edit option
Yep, watch as the white man’s cricket bats whale on blacks in Canada:
And a happy Chesterfield to you! And by the way have a Loonie on Trudeau, EH!
Just so you know, we are being encouraged to not celebrate this year due to the way we Treated Native Indians & Indigenous people in the past.
The tone according to the CBC is one of Mourning.
Fuck us.
I might put a link in.
Judging from the way their officialdom is treating pastors, priests, worshippers and COVID/vacc “deniers”, they really DGAS.
Is it still legal in Canada to wish them “Happy Birthday”, what with Fidel Trudeau’s new hate speech code?
Fuck it.
Don’t care enough anymore.
Fk Cana卐da….
Canadians are envious of the US and are trying to out-woke us. Canada has an incredible amount of fresh water. That’s in its favor. They may export it someday to the southwest US. Also, it claims it has lots of rare earths and may be able to take over a big chunk of that market from China.
But it’s got to take out the bastard son of Fidel before the whole country tanks.
It’s not envy. They/we/(not me) think we are more evolved etc. It is what they have been told forever along with other lies.
Take the “free” medical lie as an example. We are told that we have the best system in the world yet there are 2 basic lies.
1) It is not Free. It costs a family of 4 on average $12,000 per year of their income. It is part of the Deductions at the source and thus NOT DEDUCTIBLE.
2) This wonderful medical system produced No Vaccines, denied the existence of Covid therapeutics and was severely overloaded with a population in lockdown. It has good quality of care BUT not the best. State of the Art Medicine is Stateside. Most common access procedures up here are a decade behind.
Water? Heck conglomerates have been bottling that water & selling it stateside for 30 years already. 1st free Trade Deal decades before Trump.
Apparently now, the only thing we can’t sell to the USA is OIL. Biden wants that from the Middle East.
Before Biden, you boys were still working, producing and kicking ass. I really respected that! Now that his Covid cheques are acting like a Minimum Wage Floor my American Suppliers are telling me that critical parts are delayed until September of beyond. You all heard Biden’s exact words “Then Pay Them More”
New minimum wage is defacto $16. Wait until you go buy Food at the grocery store.
Happy Birthday… America’s Hat!
Our Socialist differences are becoming less each day!
Your health cares sucks – Happy Birthday
Canadia is a shit-hole country. Canadia is substantially the same socialist outfit it has been from the beginning. Socialism sucks. So yeah, you suck. Happy birthday.
Ain’t my flag.
I have a Betsy Ross & a 50 Stars & Stripes.
I pissed on & burned my Canuckistan when the Re-Elected Turdo! Few year ago.
All I can tell you is that Vitoria B.C. shoots of some fireworks.
Then on the 4th of July, Port Angeles WA, across the straight of Juan De Fuca from Victoria shoots off theirs.
I was there one year. People, it’s a once in a lifetime experience.
The ENTIRE TOWN of Port Angeles shoots off illegal fireworks and nobody cares. It rains there all the time so no fires, and the fireworks come from the Indian reservation. Like, Disneyland sized mortars for sale. To kids.
The next morning the whole town smelled like cordite and gunpowder. The whole town. At each intersection were HUGE piles of empty fireworks boxes, the way you see boxes piled up outside after Christmas.
It really is unbelievable. I highly, highly recommend going there once in your life to experience….well…probably what Armageddon looks like…but on a smaller scale.