Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

From Seussville- Theodor Seuss Geisel was born to Theodor and Henrietta Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts on March 2, 1904. Theodor, known as Ted by his family and friends, was the grandchild of German immigrants and had one sister, Margaretha Christine (known as “Marnie”). Seuss was his mother’s maiden name and was pronounced in the German manner: Zoice (rhymes with voice). He spent his childhood at 74 Fairfield Street, and when he walked through the Springfield Zoo in Forest Park with his father, he began bringing a pencil and sketch pad to draw animals. 

I know we have some writers in the audience…
How about participating in a nice poetry session? 🤣

29 Comments on Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

  1. The woman had a little car, she couldn’t drive it very far, she forgot to fill it up, she forgot air it up, she forgot and crossed the line, now her car is in a pine.

  2. There once was a man named McFife,

    Who wasn’t too happy with life,

    He didn’t have the luck,
    To be born by a….oh, NOT limericks?

    …sorry, I’ll behave…

  3. …I always wanted to see the sequel to “I Had Trouble In Getting to Solla Sollew”, because it closed with him going back home with a ball bat, apparently to beat some Skrink ass!


    I’m sure HE could have found a light-hearted tone to put severe blunt force trauma and closed head injuries into, if ANYONE could…

    “I gave Death on the Run in the Valley of Vung”


    “So I swung on the Skrink ’till his eyeballs fell out,
    And continued to stomp him
    With leaps and a shout,

    I left him a blubbering, quivering mass,
    Then turned on the quail,
    HE don’t get a pass!

    I ripped out his feathers, broke open his beak,
    And smashed BOTH his wings while enjoying his shrieks!”

    …ser, I can’t pull it off..HE would have your kids CHEERING the Skrink’s bloody demise…

    …happy B-Day, Dr. Geisel (he DID get an honorary one late in life).

    ..sorry you had to see that…but remember,it wasn’t ME that put that baseball bat in the protagonist’s hands, the good Doctor may have been darker than we THINK…

  4. I learned to read by reading and memorizing Dr. Seuss. My favorite is still Green Eggs and Spam at least that’s the way I’ll read it to my granddaughters just like I did with my kids and make funny voices and comments reading it to them. “Quick Henry the Flit.” If you know what that’s all about you’re truly an old fart.

  5. ..he did do lighthearted approaches to serious topics, sometimes so allegorical you didn’t get it till MUCH later…like “The Butter Battle Book” being about nuclear war or “Yertle the Turtle” being about Hitler…but a standout, “The Sneeches”, was about how Government hands out privileges based on superficial characteristics and constantly reassigns those privileges where NO ONE really benefits but the guy doing the ASSIGNMENT, and HE gets a pile of money and all the Sneeches get is divided and ripped off…seems like he could have just as easily called it “The Democrats” and had it be timely even TODAY…

  6. …when my boy was young I had to go to New Orleans on business, but I saw to it HE had a copy of “Solla Solew” and I had a copy, and we read together a thousand miles apart, it was nice…

    …I learned to read with Dr. S, pretty well if I do say so myself, and my son did, too. Must have worked, he ALWAYS was at the top of his State tests and aced the Reading, Writing, and Language part of his SAT, so thanks to the good Doctor…

  7. In my Creative Writing class, sophomore year in art school, our instructor read ‘The Lorax’ with the lights off and afterward we discussed evil corporations and deforestation. He did the same with Mark Twain’s ‘The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calveras County.”

  8. Mayor Pete quit the race and dressed all in pink…
    He took the press behind the tent snd made their fingers stink…
    Jim Acosta, he was there doing this and that…
    Amused himself by abusing himself…
    Then catching it in Pete’s hat….
    Lizzie Warren caught the hat and put it to her chest..
    She said, Ya know I am the best…. even with a cum soaked vest…..


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