Happy Birthday, Marines! – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday, Marines!

LifeZette: On November 10, the 243rd anniversary of the founding of the Marine Corps, many will be donning their dress blues to celebrate the occasion.

“I was never fortunate enough to have had a set of dress blues,” noted one veteran on the Marines’ official Facebook page.

“From the time that I was about seven, when I first saw a picture of a Marine in dress blues, I wanted to be a Marine so I could wear that awesome uniform. It never happened, but I wear it proudly on the inside. Semper Fi! It [his service] literally changed my life for the better.”

The Marine Corps has been a part of the U.S. Department of the Navy since June 30, 1834.

Currently, the Marines work closely with naval forces and operate posts, both on land and aboard amphibious warfare ships, worldwide.

The Marines have fought in every American war of the 19th and 20th centuries, but their original role was to serve both as naval troops and as ships’ guards.

In June 1918, however, when the Marines under General James Harbord fought against German forces posted in a French hunting preserve known as Belleau Wood — their mission changed.

Ignoring calls to retreat — one Marine captain famously said, “Retreat? Hell, we just got here!” — the Marines held their ground against the German assault and later led a counterattack.  more here

16 Comments on Happy Birthday, Marines!

  1. My dad joined the Marines two weeks after his seventeenth birthday in February 1945. He was on Midway Island with VMF-322 Fighting Gamecocks and was a hydraulics mechanic on F4-U Corsairs. When I was five, I wanted a Marine Corps uniform costume for Christmas and when I got it, I used to march around the back yard wearing it. Semper Fi, Marines!

  2. …no better way to say it, than to let the Marines say it for themselves, God bless and protect them…


    “From the Halls of Montezuma
    To the shores of Tripoli;
    We fight our country’s battles
    On the land as on the sea;
    First to fight for right and freedom
    And to keep our honor clean;
    We are proud to claim the title
    Of United States Marine.

    Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze
    From dawn to setting sun;
    We have fought in ev’ry clime and place
    Where we could take a gun;
    In the snow of far-off Northern lands
    And in sunny tropic scenes;
    You will find us always on the job
    The United States Marines

    Here’s health to you and to our Corps
    Which we are proud to serve;
    In many a strife we’ve fought for life
    And never lost our nerve;
    If the Army and the Navy
    Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
    They will find the streets are guarded
    By United States Marines.”

  3. I’ve known more than a dozen Marines over the years, spending almost 30 years in L.E., all extremely patriotic, dedicated in their work, the best beat partners one could ask for…………..and all voted Republican, figures.

  4. Thank you for your service, sacrifice and unbelievable valor. Happy Birthday.

    If you have never visited the Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico you’re missing an incredible and moving experience. It’s free, but hit the tip jar.

  5. Nightshade: That was beautiful. Never heard that with Tyrone Power before. But I was never a Marine. They told me my IQ was too high,(?) but the Army took me and fed me for four years during the cold war.
    My last boss was a Marine in Iwo Jima at age seventeen He died last year at age 92. The most wonderful man I ever served under. We were always going at each other Army/Marine. It was fun.
    God Bless the Marine Corp and all our service men and women. And God Bless America.
    Have a great Veteran’s Day.

  6. Probably goofy, but I wear my utility uniform chevrons on my collar each year on the birthday (got ‘em on right now…)

    There’s no shred of doubt that my life was improved dramatically by the four years I spent as a Marine. I’ve never felt I deserved thanks for serving; I owe this great country my gratitude for being allowed to serve. I assure you I benefited from it more than the country did.

  7. Legend has it that the first man to sign up at Tun Tavern handed the pen to the next man in line and remarked, “You know, things were different in the Old Corps.”

    Happy Birthday Marines! from an old Navy Senior Chief


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