Happy Chanukah! – IOTW Report

Happy Chanukah!



Beginning on the evening of

Saturday, December 24

and will end the evening of

Sunday, January 1, 2017

13 Comments on Happy Chanukah!

  1. This is the first year that Hanukkah has overlapped with Christmas Eve since 1978. It won’t happen again until 2027. That’s if the two religions can survive in a Moslem World Order. 🙁

  2. Yes Barry just wished all a Happy Hanukkah from the White Hut before leaving for Hawaii on his last million dollar vacation. He then stabbed Israel in the back at the United Nations. A pox on him.
    I too stand with Israel.

  3. Time to stand for Israel once and for all.

    Can’t wait for the shit bags to leave the house
    that used to be called white.
    We NEED a house to lead the US, not ground us into
    the dirt.

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