Happy Mothers Day – IOTW Report

Happy Mothers Day

CTH: Historians tell us that the predecessor of the Mother’s Day holiday was the spring festival honoring mother goddesses.

In ancient Greece, the spring festival honored Rhea, wife of Cronus and mother of the gods and goddesses.

Cybele was honored in Roman festivals. This Roman celebration, known as Hilaria, lasted for three days – from March 15 to 18, and began several hundred years before Christ was born.

England observes “Mothering Sunday”, observed on the fourth Sunday in Lent. It is possible that the ceremonies to honor Cybele were adopted by the early Church in honor of Mary, Mother of Christ.

In seventeenth century England, young men and women would bring small gifts to their mothers in observance of this day. This British holiday would not carry over to America. One explanation is that life on the American frontier was simply too harsh to take time out for this celebration. Some also believe this conflicted with rigid Puritan beliefs. It would be several centuries later before Americans redesigned their own day dedicated to the memory of their mothers.  MORE


6 Comments on Happy Mothers Day

  1. Yes. To all the Mudders in IOTW subtitle to be determined…

    PLEASE listen to EVERY word. WISDOM. How could a mudder be a fodder?

    Abbott and Costello:

    Mom gone three years in a week. 94 she raised TEN.

    What a commander and spirit. Wanted only the BEST for her family, troops…defenders.

    Just like the woman DJT POTUS talked in westward expansion. GUTS.



  2. “Happy Mother’s Day”

    Thanks, Oh, wait…..I’m not a mother despite the fact I’ve been called a M#t@er&u*ker on more than one occasion.

    OK, humor aside…I hope you child loving, mothers have a really super great day. I honestly believe that loving mothers make the world go ‘round.
    GOD bless each and every one of them.


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