Harris had ‘routine doctor’s appointment’ at Walter Reed following visit with COVID-infected TX Dems – IOTW Report

Harris had ‘routine doctor’s appointment’ at Walter Reed following visit with COVID-infected TX Dems

Just The News: Vice President Kamala Harris visited Walter Reed Medical Center on Sunday for a “routine doctor’s appointment” following a meeting with Texas Democratic legislators on Tuesday, three of whom tested positive for COVID-19, according to reports.

One Democratic lawmaker tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday night, and two others tested positive on Saturday morning, Fox News reported.

Harris spokesperson Symone Sanders said on Saturday that the vice president had not been in close contact with the lawmakers who had tested positive.

“Based on the timeline of these positive tests, it was determined the Vice President and her staff present at the meeting were not at risk of exposure because they were not in close contact with those who tested positive and therefore do not need to be tested or quarantined,” Sanders said in a statement. She added that Harris and her staff are fully vaccinated. more here

31 Comments on Harris had ‘routine doctor’s appointment’ at Walter Reed following visit with COVID-infected TX Dems

  1. “President Donald Trump underwent “phase one” of his annual physical exam in a surprise trip to Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend, raising more questions than answers.”

    Suck it, media. Suck it hard.

  2. Currently on Twitter:
    Trump fist-pumps once, walks out of Walter Reed front door, walks briskly and lightly gripping railings, gets into SUV.

    No response to two shouted questions from the pool—

    “How many staff are sick?”

    “Are you a super-spreader?”

  3. When I was in Bell Atlantic Walter Reed was a fucking shithole.

    I seem to remember that they tore down that hospital and built a new one. That was beyond my time at Bell. But I tell you what, had they populated the NEW Walter Reed with the assholes (Doctors and what-all) who were in the OLD Water Reed, it is STILL a shithole.

  4. Marcus Welby MD
    JULY 18, 2021 AT 10:29 PM
    “Advanced syphilis.”

    …you know who REALLY has symptoms of neurosypillus/paresis?

    Pedo Joe.

    Neurosyphilis is a bacterial infection of the brain or spinal cord. It usually occurs in people who have had untreated syphilis for many years.

    Neurosyphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum. This is the bacteria that causes syphilis. Neurosyphilis usually occurs about 10 to 20 years after a person is first infected with syphilis. Not everyone who has syphilis develops this complication.


    Symptoms usually affect the nervous system. Depending on the form of neurosyphilis, symptoms may include any of the following:

    Abnormal walk (gait), or unable to walk
    Numbness in the toes, feet, or legs
    Problems with thinking, such as confusion or poor concentration
    Mental problems, such as depression or irritability
    Headache, seizures, or stiff neck
    Loss of bladder control (incontinence)
    Tremors, or weakness
    Visual problems, even blindness”

    …he probably enjoys infecting the children of the rich and powerful when he rapes them, so he didn’t get cured and it’s too late now…

  5. “…therefore do not need to be tested or quarantined,…”

    el grande BS
    If I had been in such a situation, I would have had to quarantine, and for up to 14 days, with regular testing during that period. Why are they different fro me? I think they call it ‘privilege’ these days.
    And bless the little black hearts of apple- the most recent operating system for iphones now has a covid tracker built into it. The phones now communicate with each other, using bluetooth, and they now know who is in proximity of anyone else with such a phone. Sure, you can ‘turn it off,’ but they also say tracking takes place even with bluetooth turned off. Time for one of those ‘freedon phones, as advertised on GatewayPundit. They are not only monitoring and censoring private communications, they are tracking anyone with a cellular phone. Read that last sentence again. Please.

    So, if I were to write a scenario of nightmare proportions, it might go like-
    Harris is found to be very ill with the wuhan flu. Either through death or incapacitation, she has to leave office. Her replacement is selected, not elected. This causes no concern for the democrats, as she has then fulfilled her purpose- that being her lack of approval and general character protecting biden from removal for incompetency, if she were to be his indisputable replacement. Were she to leave being VP, with an appointee being ‘put’ in her place, biden would then readily be removed.
    It is possible


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