‘Harris Is Not Indestructible’: CNN’s Smerconish Warns VP Will Be ‘Held Accountable’ Eventually – IOTW Report

‘Harris Is Not Indestructible’: CNN’s Smerconish Warns VP Will Be ‘Held Accountable’ Eventually

Daily Caller:
CNN’s Michael Smerconish warned Saturday that Vice President Kamala Harris will eventually have to answer for her record and policy changes during her presidential campaign.

Harris has not sat down for a single interview nor published a policy platform on her campaign website as of Aug. 17, nearly four weeks into her presidential bid. Smerconish said Harris has been avoiding interviews because she desires additional time to explain why she has “flipped” on policies since launching her campaign, but that she will “be held accountable” at some point. more

9 Comments on ‘Harris Is Not Indestructible’: CNN’s Smerconish Warns VP Will Be ‘Held Accountable’ Eventually

  1. I think it is beyond belief that she/they are actually trying to run on fixing the problems that she/they deliberately created!!
    Accountability? democRATz murdered accountability and tossed it out the third floor window into the party’s dumpster fire of Communism a looooong time ago!

  2. Aww, what’s the matter, Smerconish? Are you and your nevertrump, neocon buddies worried about her and Taqiyah Tim’s Pally pals and muslim mobs? I feel your pain. Maybe you should have looked farther down the road before you endorsed Obama in 2008. She’s a result of that same uncritical thinking and media manipulation.

    And don’t be naive and expect a reckoning at the ballot box for Kamala. You should know how this game goes by now. Or do you? I am assuming that this is still you:

    “Unfortunately, the president [Trump] has transformed this sacred hallmark of our nearly 250 experiment into a conspiratorial crusade to convince his supporters that the only way he could lose would be the result of the most corrupt and fraudulent election U.S. history. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are preparing to cast their ballot through the mail. Meanwhile, Trump has done everything in his power to depict mail-in voting – without any evidence – as rampant with fraud. Many experts, including U.S. intelligence agencies, agree that nearly all examples Trump and his supporters have made concerning alleged mail-in voting fraud are vastly overblown.”

    Don’t come crying to me if we get shafted at the ballot box again, and the hag you are so worried about wins. Your words haunt you and they ring hollow.

  3. Left Coast Dan hit the nail on the head. Before or after the election. And we all know if the media has its way, it’ll be not only after the election, but after the coronation.

  4. When the lampposts in the Mall are filled with hanging human ornaments, the White House lawn is filled with gallows and guillotines, then we will know that some “accountability” is happening. Until then, she will skate through like slick Willie and his she-devil wife.


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