Harris tells her own personal ‘Corn Pop’ story, and it’s a doozy – IOTW Report

Harris tells her own personal ‘Corn Pop’ story, and it’s a doozy

2017. Kamala claims that her grandmother would go from village to village in India with a bullhorn, preaching about the need for abortion.

24 Comments on Harris tells her own personal ‘Corn Pop’ story, and it’s a doozy

  1. Dat gramma – she was a bad dude. Bullhorn in one hand, straight razor and vacuum in the other. I tole gramma to get busy killin’ dem babies or I would take her back of the shack and show her some real cuttin’ and scrapin’. No joke. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    That’s the way I heard this story, although I have no idea why Kamala is affecting some sort of “black accent” while telling a story about her grandmother in India, or why borrowing hot sauce from Hillary was necessary.

  2. Truth be known – – Gramma roamed from town to town blowing mayors and council members for a permit to use the bullhorn and passed on this sage advice to her grand daughter: “Itz not who ya know, itz who ya…..

  3. They are just off the rails with the infanticide here.

    Thing is, it works for them.

    Chicks love to kill their babies.

    …I saw someone’s tweet the other day that said something about “now that we know the most important political issue to women is killing their own babies, can we declare Woman’s Sufferage a failure and move on?”

    …theres something to that.

    Too bad Baal doesnt actually exist for them or he’d be well pleased.

    Instead they’ll get to answer to THIS guy…

    “1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

    2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
    -Luke 17:1-2

  4. …also, I dont know about post-WWII India, but if someone went around America hollering thru a bullhorn about baby killing, the chick doing it would be locked up in a sanatorium and whatever man got her the bullhorn would have had it jammed up him sideways.

  5. Indira Gandhi did alot for Indian population control. She had the surgeries on wheels going about giving men vascetomies and sterilizing the ladyfolk. All free and at no charge. You just had to be kidnapped out of your village and whisked off to have the plumbing refitted.

  6. And sadly, due to the coming massive voter fraud, she’s going to be our next president. They will steal this election, no one will do a thing about it, except write angry comments, and post sarcastic memes. The military, that we have always been told swore to uphold the constitution, will sit back and do nothing. Probably worse than nothing. If comrade Kamala orders them to shoot US citizens they will gladly go along. Hate to be a downer, but I’ve not heard of anything that’s going to stop the steal.

  7. That makes no sense. KamalMao’s granny couldn’t possibly want to abort future East Indian call center customer/tech support operators and scammers. No true East Indian would do anything to stop their nation’s largest grifting industry.

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