Harris touts ‘successful’ Afghanistan drawdown despite thousands remaining and terrorist threat – IOTW Report

Harris touts ‘successful’ Afghanistan drawdown despite thousands remaining and terrorist threat


Speaking to reporters in Singapore, Vice President Kamala Harris touted a “successful drawdown” of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, despite a volatile security situation for Americans and allies attempting to leave Afghanistan.

Harris, speaking alongside Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Istana presidential palace, the first stop on her two-country tour, conceded that a review of U.S. efforts should occur but praised the drawdown.

“There’s no question there will be and should be a robust analysis of what has happened. But right now … our focus has to be on evacuating,” Harris said, pointing to U.S. citizens and Afghan allies. “And to that end, we have seen a successful drawdown of the embassy and, thankfully, without any American casualties.” more here

12 Comments on Harris touts ‘successful’ Afghanistan drawdown despite thousands remaining and terrorist threat

  1. Biden, Harris and the rest of their incompetent staff have mastered the lies, but this time the Media is not going by the Democrat talking points. America is not believing the lies.

    Amazingly for the first time in over 6+ years the media are acting like interested Journalists instead as their usual role as Propagandists. How long will it last?

    Will the media write about “all the other” disastrous Biden/Harris policies dragging down the United States or will they continue to be active participants of our demise?

  2. “What exactly happened at the U.S. consulate and nearby CIA annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012? We now know that dozens of CIA operatives at the CIA Annex who survived the second attack have been shuffled around the country living under assumed names, forbidden to talk to the press; forbidden to talk to Congress, and are given monthly polygraph tests to ensure that they keep their mouths shut. Despite the Obama regime’s gag order on these CIA agents, the truth—or at least part of the truth—has come out.”


    That was easy to do with a few dozen people. How are they going to manage the coverup with tens of thousands? You just know the IC was way overstaffed in Afghanistan.That dilemma might explain why the Deep State is in no hurry to extricate their people. Let the Tollybonn solve their problem. The Deep State doesn’t care what sensitive info goes in Tollybonn ears, only what goes in our ears.

  3. Why has the media turned on Team Biden? The short answer is that he betrayed his base. An article I saw the other day summed it up nicley by pointing out that those Americans and Western Euro-Commies that got left behind are the Cookie Pushers, NGOs, (staffed by lefties), the Journalists themselves, and the assorted Do-Gooders of the world. Those folks wouldn’t give a rat’s a$$ if we had just left the military and CIA contractors in the wind. But leaving behind “their people”, the children of Party donors and trust-fund babies is totally inexcusable. That’s why they’re screaming from the roof-tops

  4. One thing about the communist is when you are no longer useful or you become disposable this is what happens.
    The only life they value is their own.
    Mark Millie and Austin will be tossed like a bag of trash at some point soon.

  5. Agreed, Lance o Lot. There were pay grades to climb, many grifts to be run and many resumes to be burnished from the US government grants and contracts which flowed like Coca Cola from the Pentagon State Dept. and probably a dozen other federal agencies. They don’t call these nests in foreign lands “Green Zones” for nothing. Now all of their money and all of their clout can’t buy them a ticket out.

  6. Why does President Crater keep saying we will evacuate “any American who wants to come home”?

    Are we supposed to assume that those who will inevitably be left behind wanted to stay there? WTF.

  7. This unaccompanied piece of shit has been so conditioned to having every thing it says or does spun as brilliance personified by the media that it doesn’t know any other way to function. When the population includes a critical mass of abject morons and sycophants it may well be that it must necessarily progress much like the book The Emperor’s New Cloths before the mass of said dimwits finally come out of their stupefied trance like state they have been lead into.

    If one actually listens to Seattle’s moronic leftists, there isn’t any original thought whatsoever, yet they all pat themselves and each other on the head and are constantly reinforcing the notion that they are the ones the world has been waiting for. A more intellectually unaccomplished herd it would be difficult to imagine.

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