Harris/Walz CNN Interview Sounds Sketchy – IOTW Report

Harris/Walz CNN Interview Sounds Sketchy


Hearing that @CNN will NOT be releasing the full transcript of all 18-minutes (total) of the interview with Kamala Harris and Human Blocking
Dummy Coach Walz.
What’s being cut out???

19 Comments on Harris/Walz CNN Interview Sounds Sketchy

  1. I came to a realization today-
    neither of her parents were citizens- that is indisputable.
    I don’t want to go into the argument about naturalized citizens and eligibility (though I don’t think she is eligible)
    but, again indisputably- she is an anchor baby
    a stupid one, too

  2. Probably had to cut out all the parts where Walz was making faces and rolling his eyes while Kamala rambled and waved her hands around. He’s the typical white guy foil, expected to play the fool, but he thinks he’s better than her and should be at the top of the ticket. If those two get installed, the Joy goes in the crapper when Walz starts feeling that his fascist style is being cramped.

  3. Between KamalMao’s rambling and stalled brain moments with cackling, there will be heavy editing of that so-called interview.
    Waltzing Walz’s constant upstaging of KamalMao and loud talking, annoying gesturing will take even more editing.
    It’s no wonder there’s only 18 minutes of the interview transcript that’s maybe understandable.

  4. My mind keeps returning to the fact that on Jan 6 2025, Kamala Harris as VP will preside over the certification of the election.

    Think about this. If Kamala “wins the popular vote” the Dems will push get that outcome in the electoral college. Suppose there are “blue states” where Kamala achieved landslide levels of votes surpassing the margins by which Trump won in some “red states”. The Dems might claim Trump’s win is thus illusory, an accident of statewise voting.

    Will the unconstitutional Popular Vote Compact among several States be in play?

    A safe bet is the the Dems will be gaming all sorts of scenarios and will have a plan and a script in play on Jan 6 featuring Kamala Harris in the starting role.

  5. It’s all a dog and pony show to making people believe there’s a real election coming up.
    Until you FIX THIS – https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_JB6jfOxhb/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D – there isn’t a FAIR ELECTION!
    If Trump is only depending on a voter turnout that’s “too big to rig”, we’re in big trouble.
    Trump received THE MOST VOTES EVER for a sitting President and still “lost” in 2020. And nothing has been done about it except the protest on January 6th which they CONTROL THE NARRATIVE!
    The MEDIA and DEEP STATE control this country.
    We’re lucky the assassination attempt FAILED by the grace of God.

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